What would you do if your son asked you to collaborate with you in an artistic work?

Mica Angela Hendrics is an artist who has been forced to share the sketchbook with her 4-year-old daughter, after it used one of the most frequent tricks on mothers / fathers to get what they want from their children (he suggested that she would be forced to withdraw such a working instrument, taking into account that - despite her young age - she needed it too).

The result was most satisfactory for both: The girl gave free rein to her creativity, bringing freshness and originality to her father's sketches, the mother discovered that at home she was not the only artist, and that the strokes (incipient but safe) of her little girl, brought a new vision of the work.

Since then, both collaborate, and the frames inspired by old films, with well-drawn faces and perfect finish, are turned into mermaids, astronauts, undefined bugs, dinosaurs, and even chrysalis

Mica's works can be considered as classic cartoons, but the finished drawings are totally unexpected and are completed with acrylic paints that always respect the touches of color added by the girl.

I think we can all learn from this special relationship that both have established: and we do it by discovering the importance of listening to children, seeing their creations with other eyes, trusting them, and 'letting go', knowingly that our children they can go around our adult world, and always for the better.

Video: Student Vs. Teacher 2019 (July 2024).