Pregnant or recent mom? Say yes to non-alcoholic beer

The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) has published a book entitled Women, Gynecology and Beer in which he recommends beer as a beneficial drink for women at all stages of life. So If you are pregnant or a recent mom, say yes to non-alcoholic beer. Of course, always with moderation.

It is favorable for women in pregnancy, lactation, menopause and even helps to combat or decrease the "aggressiveness" of osteoporosis and Alzheimer's. It contains minerals, vitamins and natural antioxidants, so its moderate consumption could have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties, among others.

The beer is made with natural components: water, barley, hops and yeast. It does not contain fats or sugars and its caloric content is low (45Kcal / 100ml in beer with alcohol and 17Kcal / 100ml in alcohol-free). Of course, it depends a lot on how much we drink and how we accompany it.

It contains carbohydrates, vitamins (especially those of group B such as folic acid, essential in pregnancy), proteins and minerals such as silicon, potassium, magnesium and sodium.

In pregnant women and nursing mothers, moderate consumption of between one and two non-alcoholic beer canes daily, while the recommended consumption for men is two or three daily, with or without alcohol.

It is a great ally also after birth because it reduces the oxidative stress of both the mother and the child after childbirth, and during breastfeeding, since it increases the antioxidant capacity of breast milk, and thereby reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the children.

Who doesn't fancy some reeds with friends? Yet if you are pregnant or a recent mom, say yes to non-alcoholic beer.

Video: Made My Mother-in-Law So MAD!!!- #MIGHTYDUCKPRANKS. MIGHTYDUCK (May 2024).