The baby diet: the famous eat baby pots to keep the line

Surely many moms know various "miracle diets." Surely on one occasion or another they have pulled some of them to quickly reduce a few extra kilos and surely more than one would add to the last shout in miracle diets: The baby diet

I say it is the last cry because these days they are talking a lot about her, basically, because it is the diet that celebrities like Jennifer Aniston or Gwyneth Paltrow are following, but not because it is especially recommended, that it is not.

The Baby diet consists of eating 14 baby pots during the day and an adult dinner that is healthy. Jennifer Aniston has stated that it works, because has lost three kilos in a weekHowever, Tracy Anderson, the creator of this diet has explained that more than a diet to lose weight, is a measure to do "cleaning", a feeding style aimed at eliminating toxins and keep the digestive system going.

In other words, the diet works, since the digestive system is activated as if we did a "reset" and because the calories provided by the pots are lower than those provided by adult food but, as is often the case with diets liquid, kilos that are easily lost are also easily recovered.

This makes the baby diet really, a little recommended method (if you are not an actress and you need to weigh a few kilos less for a movie), since, at the time you eat adult food again you will recover the kilos you have lost and, perhaps, even a little more.

The solution could then be to maintain a diet based on pots, however, various nutritional deficits would be created, since baby pots are that, foods intended for babies, whose bulk, weight and needs are very different from those of an adult . It would also be very difficult to maintain this custom, because eating is a social act that relates us to other people and eating baby pots greatly limits the chances of eating with other adults.

Video: I'LL BEAT YOU Mark Angel Comedy Episode 64 (July 2024).