#BajaDeMaternidadDignaYA, the movement that demands a broader permit for mothers, to which we join

This year the extension of the paternity leave to five weeks was approved, which the new parents already enjoy, and the Government has shown its intention to continue expanding it progressively until it equals it in 2021 with the 16 weeks of the maternity leave.

But there are many voices that do not think it is a good measure to continue extending the permission of the parents instead of extending that of the mothers, which by the way, has been immovable for about thirty years. Yesterday they demonstrated on the networks under the hashtag #LowerDeMaternityDignaYA to make see that four months is very little and ask to extend the maternity leave a few more weeks (there are those who speak of 26 weeks).

At least six months

The claim goes in the same direction as that of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap), which considers that the mothers' leave should be extended up to at least six months in order to comply with the six months of exclusive breastfeeding recommended by WHO.

In Babies and more According to the AEPap, maternity leave should be extended to at least six months

During the first months, baby care is key. It is a right for children to be able to receive care for as long as possible from their mother, who is their main attachment figure, and from whom they feed.

It does not mean that the father cannot give this care, but if it is the mother who breastfeeds, six months of exclusive breastfeeding should be guaranteed They are so beneficial for the health and development of the baby. It should be consistent with the recommendations of health agencies regarding the minimum breastfeeding time.

There are many women who decide to give up breastfeeding because of how difficult it is to continue with it when they return to work. Only 30 percent continue to do so, and those who continue, make a great effort pumping milk at work, despite the great difficulties of reconciliation with those found. Without counting the amount of hours they feed them as they feed them, they have to be away from their babies.

Nowadays the conciliation is very poor and the mothers are forced to separate from their children very soon and juggle to keep their work, take care of the house, take care of the children ... So it is not surprising that there are fewer and fewer children.

Movement in social networks

Under the hashtag #LowerDeMaternityDignaYA Twitter was filled yesterday with messages supporting the extension of maternity leave as a right for mothers and babies.

Because WHO recommends #LactanciaMaterna exclusively up to six months, because we must recover from a caesarean section or episiotomy, because they need us ... #BajaDeMaternidadDignaYA pic.twitter.com/XS64mQHTmw

- Delia (@deliukah) November 1, 2018
In Babies and more Maternity leave should be more valued and respected

The pregnant mother, stop, breastfeed and is the main attachment figure of the baby, but it is the father who is granted permission. We are losing the papers. #LowerDeMaternityDignaYA

- Noelia Fernández (@AsesoraNoelia) November 1, 2018

#bajadematernidaddignaya The main harmed of such a short and low casualty, are the kids, so small, 4 months are nothing. As doctors (gines, pediatricians, etc.), claiming a withdrawal of at least 26s to be able to take care of children is everyone's duty. # de16a26 #maternity pic.twitter.com/Ndf2I32xcm

- Anna Mallafré (@DraMallafre) November 1, 2018

We demand a #BajaDeMaternidadDignaYA so we can put life in the center. We do not want paternalistic measures and imposition of care. #MaternitiesFeminists #AmpliacionPermisosTransferibles @MadresGuerreras

- PETRA (@PlataformaPetra) November 1, 2018

Embarrassing what is happening in this country ... babies have the right to be with their mothers and to exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months # bajadematernidaddignaya

- Alba Tena Espinar (@ albate90) November 1, 2018

I am irreplaceable in a precarious labor market that instead of sanctioning those who reject me for being a mother, forces a paternity leave so that there is no discrimination. Very consistent, of course. # BajaDeMaternidadDignaYA

- SGS (@ SGS18264039) November 1, 2018

More nurseries is not the solution

The Government has also announced that they intend to universalize education for children from 0 to 3 years, so that there is no discrimination and all families can access a nursery school.

But they are not more daycare what is wanted, but a broader permission for parents to take care of their baby as long as possible. The idea is not to be taken care of by other people, but by adding both permits, who can best care for them, dad and mom, who do that task.

Go to work in hormone, with the brain programmed to take care of your little one, and your little one always with other people? I don't want this society. Mothers import # LowMaternityDignaYA #thanks

- Jelen Mari (@ Elena_1526) November 1, 2018

We are not the same

Co-responsibility in parenting is essential, and it is important that the father be involved in the care of the children to the same extent as the mother. It is not that their permission is not extended. On the contrary, when more better for all.

But in terms of physiology there is a big difference, since the mother is the one who gives birth and breastfeeds her children, and who goes through the postpartum, which is not always a path of roses. The woman needs at least one year to recover from childbirth.

We gestate, give birth and breastfeed. We recover from childbirth during the hard postpartum sorry, but no! We are not equal #BajaDeMaternidadDignaYA

- monica (@MonicaClementeF) November 1, 2018

We are not going to stop until they hear us #BajaDeMaternidadDignaYA for our sons and daughters and for all the babies that are to come. # Por losderechosdelbebe #PSOE #We can

- For the rights of the baby (@ Yoanna61166659) November 1, 2018

Right to decide

Another thing that I think makes no sense is to impose the equalization of permits to encourage co-responsibility, rather than let each couple decide how to organize.

Both dad and mom are very important for the baby, and with decent and transferable maternity and paternity leave could be organized so that they are covered, at least, those first eight months of the baby in the care of both, which is what you want to reach in 2021.