How would you react if your child chose a doll as a toy? This father is an example of love

The love for children is demonstrated through the caresses, teachings and care we give them every day, but above all, I think, in letting them be and in accepting them as they are. Let them be, allowing them to make their own choices and accept them, accompanying them always decide what they decide. That is for me to really love children.

Fortunately, stereotypes that girls play with dolls and boys with cars are losing credibility, but they are still there. We go out and see it in the toy store, in stores, in catalogs, in people's comments, everywhere ... How would you react if your child chose a doll as a toy? It's the question Mikki Willis has asked himself, a father who is an example of love. And this is what he has responded.

This is the story

It turns out that four-year-old Azai received two equal gifts for his birthday and went to the toy store to exchange one of them for a new one. They let him choose the one he wanted and chose a Barbie from "The Little Mermaid".

His father says that he was honestly not surprised at all, since Azai is equally attracted to the princesses that the robots depend on, but this time he was clear: "I want this mermaid," he told his father.

It did not cause him much grace to choose precisely a Barbie for the model of woman he represents, but after his son's insistence his opinion was reserved. If it is what he chose, it was fine for him, although he has a talk with him about the canons of beauty, he said.

Now, "how do you think a father feels when his son wants to buy this?" Says the father in the video. Little Azai shouts: "Yes" and his father continues: "I let my children choose their lives. That's how mom and I are. We say yes."

Why do I think your attitude is an example?

The father decided to record a video in his car to raise awareness about the importance of accepting and respecting children's decisions. A video that has already been seen more than 15 million times and that has served as an example to many parents who are afraid of such situations.

But beyond that, what I liked most is that, far from feeling ashamed and leaving the event in the private sphere, makes public support for his son showing him that he feels proud That you make your own decisions. Tomorrow the child will remember that his father showed his support in this brave way.

The video is in English, but there is a very good part in which the father promises the child and his younger brother that always, always, his mother and he will support you in all the decisions you make in your life, whatever it is.

No matter what toys our children choose to play, they are simply tools for the game. It is in us to educate them out of stereotypes that are imposed for being of one sex or the other.

Video: Mom argues with child over gender appropriate toys. What Would You Do (July 2024).