The best Christmas gift for your children is you

Ikea Ibérica has just launched a spot titled "The other letter" For your Christmas campaign. You may have seen it through the networks, if not, I invite you to see it, because it is very interesting to reflect on the consumerism of these dates and what our children really need. Of course, they are not toys. The best Christmas gift for your children is you.

An experiment has been carried out with ten royal families. First, the children were asked to write the letter to the Magi with what they want for Christmas, and then a letter to the parents with what they are asked of them.

Each child writes the two letters. The first goes to the mailbox for the Kings and the second is given to the parents. They open them and read what their children ask them for Christmas: play more with them, pay more attention, do experiments together ... In short, all children want to spend more time with their parents.

To top it off, the children are asked if they had to choose one of the two cards, that of the Magi or that of the parents, which one they would choose. And everyone responds that that of the parents.

You see, in the end their could choose they just want more time with us. Why do we insist on not giving children what they want for Christmas?

After seeing it, I got a "Ufff ..." (include here long sigh) because if my daughters were in that place they would have acted the same, and most likely most of your children too. And giving them what they want is simpler, cheaper and more positive than stuffing them with gifts.