Five tips to care for the skin of the newborn

The skin of the newborn is extremely sensitive. Unlike the skin of adults, that of babies does not have sufficient defenses to cope with external aggressions.

Being so vulnerable, your delicate skin needs special care, so we give you Five tips you should keep in mind to take care of the skin of the newborn.

The bathroom: short or part cleaning

During the first weeks of life, you must bathe the baby a maximum of 2 or 3 times a week for no more than five minutes.

You should use a mild liquid soap that has a pH of 4 to 4.5. They are soaps that don't make almost foam, they are like that, you don't need to use more quantity.

The most advisable while the baby still has the umbilical cord is to make a part cleaning, what is known as cat washing. It consists of a quick wash with sponge and hot water.

If you are going to give it a full bath, it has to be quick and drying the umbilical cord area very well to avoid softening and slowing down your fall.

Well hydrated skin always

The skin of babies is thinner than that of adults, it has fewer layers that protect it and the cells that form it are more separated. This causes water to be absorbed more and lost more, and influences its barrier system and its elasticity.

Thus, moisturizes baby's skin once or twice a day. It is preferable that you do it several times with little product than applying a large amount a few times.

It is best to give the cream after bath accompanied by a gentle massage. This will also help the baby to relax, as well as to relieve colic in the infant. The products must be specific emollients or oils for the skin of the newborn.

Protect baby's skin from the sun

The skin of the little ones has few melanocytes that protect it, therefore the recommendation is avoid sun exposure of children before six months.

Babies should not be given sunscreen before six months, therefore, protection must be total, that is to say, keep the baby in the shade at the central hours of the day, go for a walk with a hood or umbrella in the stroller and if it goes in arms or in a baby carrier, avoid direct sunlight.

After six months, you can apply the sun cream or emulsion with a protection factor of 50, but you should also avoid exposing the baby in the most intense hours of sunshine.

The skin of the culete, always clean

Poop and urine contain very irritating bacteria for the baby's delicate skin, and affect them differently depending on the type of skin of each child.

Therefore, the use of diapers with high level of absorption able to keep the baby's ass dry as long as possible, and change it frequently.

At each diaper change, the skin should be cleaned with a damp sponge or baby wipes, provided they do not contain a preservative linked to cases of atopic dermatitis, trying to clean the folds well.

Once clean the skin, it is recommended to apply a cream in paste or ointment that serves as a direct barrier against feces and moisture at the first symptoms of irritation.

The clothes, of natural fabrics

Basic care also includes clothes that will be in permanent contact with the baby's skin. You should use always natural fabrics such as cotton, breathable and made with chemical-free products.

Washing should be done with mild laundry detergent, without softeners or bleach, since chemicals can remain attached to the fibers and irritate the baby's skin. You should also remove labels and avoid seams or folds that can cause chafing.