The jokes of a mother youtuber to her children that do not cause us any grace

A mother from the United Kingdom spends the day devising jokes to spend on her children. Although they have great success in social networks, perhaps their two children do not think they are so funny and, at least in Babies and More they don't cause us any grace.

Felicity, which is the woman's name, has a YouTube channel with her family, but her most successful videos are on the Tik Tok music channel.

There he usually publishes the jokes that he spends on his children and that have become viral after a user has shared them on Twitter.

The last 'grace' has been to simulate that a finger had been cut, but there are many more. Is it really fun to make children suffer and humiliate them in public? Why do people follow you on social media?

His last occurrence

In the video uploaded to Twitter you can see how the mother prepares the scene to deceive the children: take a piece of carrot that replaces the finger that supposedly suffered the violent cut and puts a sauce that pretends to be blood.

With everything prepared, he shrieks and his children come and find an alleged bloody finger on the cutting board. Among the hysteria of the moment the children tried to plug the non-existent hemorrhage. One takes a strainer and puts it on the finger. The other, place a towel on top.

Then the woman screams "Take my phone!", and that is when her children realize that the mobile is recording and that it is a joke, while she laughs.

Me as a mother 🙄

- Ma (Zak bn Othman) Wada (@wa_wado) August 22, 2019

Did you find it funny? Well, it has already been visualized by more than 13 million people. And it's not the only fake accident in what Felicity describes as "Taking my children's revenge" and that has already exceeded 16 jokes.

In Babies and more Adult heavy jokes

Using a hole that has the door of his car and, while the grandmother of the children records, Felicity pretends that one of the children has caught his finger.

"I have dropped my keys!"shouts the mother. Then, their children begin to try to open the door and look for the key until they realize that it is a joke.

Can you even smash a car window with a paperback book?…

- Harfinfamily (@harfinology) August 23, 2019

Honestly, what mother puts a dishwasher and oil on the floor so that her children slip and fall? Well, she. And his followers on his Twitter account applaud the grace!

When you can't afford a slip n slide…

- Harfinfamily (@harfinology) August 25, 2019

But in 'this revenge' there are all kinds of jokes, some heavier than others: frozen cereals, Maltesers that really are cherry tomatoes dipped in chocolate ... Numbered by days, they appear in your Tik Tok account.

We have already spoken on other occasions of the abuse that the Internet means that parents use their children to earn money and achieve fame. And this youtuber is, without a doubt, one of those people. As long as we don't stop applauding 'your thanks' you will continue to show off and expose your children.

Is it really worth it? Are we not supposed to protect them from possible abuses on the Web? So what happens when it is the parents themselves who commit them? What do you think?

Video: GAME MASTER and GRACE SHARER MISSING!! Top SECRET Mystery Evidence Clues and Riddles Left Behind (May 2024).