Some new women have incredibly fast deliveries

They are probably very few if we compare them with all those with normal duration, but there are some new women who have incredibly fast births, and on some occasions, they are relatively rugged because nobody takes them seriously.

They call warning that it bothers them a lot, that they feel like more and more painful punctures, that they feel like pushing and they receive (sometimes, not always) in response a "no, that you are first time and you don't know how this is going, you still have for hours, "when the reality is different.

How long is a delivery

It is difficult to define exactly how long a birth lasts, because the duration is very variable among women. Anyway, put to quantify a little to give you an idea, a birth is divided into a latent phase, which is the one from the beginning of the contractions until it reaches 4 cm dilation, a active phase, which ranges from 4 cm to 10 cm, which is when the dilation is considered complete, the expulsive, which is when the baby is born and the delivery, which is when the placenta is expelled.

Well, for the first latent phase a specific time has not been established due to the difficulty of knowing when the delivery really begins, but we can be talking about several hours. If we talk about the active phase, the average for primiparous mothers is estimated to be 8 hours, considering a maximum time of 18 hours, from which the way forward should be assessed. The expulsive can last between 30 and 60 minutes (It can also be more) and the delivery a little shorter time.

If we add all this we can be leaving to 10 hour deliveries, on average, being some faster, or much faster, and others slower, or much slower.

But the majority is not everyone's

In most cases it will be like this, births of several hours that lead health professionals to be quite sure that when a first-time woman warns them because she feels that the thing is going forward and that not much is missing, it is because he doesn't knowWell, there are really hours left.

Surely if you have not lived, more than one mother (known or yours) will have ever told you that "no matter how much I told them, however much I told them, they told me to be calm, there were still hours left, that I was going for a long time and that, as it was first, I was complaining a lot about how soon it was still ", and then to report that, in a matter of minutes," they saw that the baby was already leaving and we hardly arrived (or directly, we didn't arrive ) to the paritor ".

I have at least read and heard it on several occasions and I continue to be surprised every time someone tells me something like that because yes, we know that the majority of first-time births are long, very long, but for some reason there is a minority of women who have their babies in record time, and I mean births where the active phase is, for example, two hours, sometimes only half an hour, sometimes a matter of minutes. Something like arriving in the latent phase, telling you to relax, that you have time, dilate right away and give birth, when nobody expects it. That is what surprises me, that happening, that knowing that there are cases like this, there are still mothers who say that "as it was first time, they didn't pay much attention to me".

Anyway, little by little I guess paternalism will be replaced of "calm, you do not understand your body, I already control the delivery for you that I am the professional" by more empathic and collaborative attention in which they tell you "explain to me what you feel, because you could already be in labor".

Video: My Pink VAULT Closet Tour (July 2024).