"Noise": Never before has the small silent town witnessed so much scandal because of forgetting

Noise: "inarticulate sound, usually unpleasant"; What you just read is the first meaning we found when looking for the meaning of Noise in the RAE dictionary. And the opposite of noise, is what was heard in what should be the quietest and quietest town in the world.

Anyone who visited it came to suspect that the inhabitants were afraid to wake up someone sleeping under the houses, but what a strange idea! no? In that little town there were only a few dates when the bustle took over the streets. And in those actions the action takes place when Patricia wakes up forgetting a daily action that took place just before bedtime, and without knowing how the people of the circus (who are accustomed to so many things) would be surprised - when they would not alter - as a result of that forgetfulness.

I plan to make you participate in this mess without hardly telling you anything, but you have to read it to remember what it is to laugh 'on your own'! Osorio is also there, who is shocked a little by the noise his neighbor makes with the music of 'cha cha cha', and whose knocks on the wall cause a start to the local parties in time.

From there, nobody is surprised if you see tigers raised in the lamppost, giraffes that eat geraniums from the balconies, and Martians who give up their intention to conquer the Earth (with that of quiet planets that will be around the Universe and have Picked this little place of ours!)

Sure that if it does not become the volcano, chaos would still reign in that town, and Patricia ... finally understand why she didn't hear her favorite music no matter how much the volume went up.

This is a chained story that reminds slightly of Red Apple History, although it is much more hilarious, and it is also true that it is aimed at children younger than that. It is called "Noise" and has been written with a very fine sense of humor by Pablo Albo, and then be illustrated with funny drawings that seem to come alive, by Guridi (who says his parents taught him to love silence, coincidences of life: like mine to me).

Published by Narval editors, I recommend it to parents who are tired of reading the same stories to children, and children who ask for intelligent readings. You can read it to your children from the age of five, and they will read it easily if they are seven or older.

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