"The teacher who was lacking in hortography": a sweet story about a brave teacher

The Tude Verde de Edebé collection is aimed at children over 10 years old; a few days ago we just read "The teacher who was lacking in hortography" (I have not been wrong to write, although the proofreader has been trying to change the word), and the first thing I can say about the book is that it is a very tender story full of values ​​that easily reach children.

In fact, the publisher is characterized by publishing children's books that meet some common requirements: They are simple and convey very important teachings. In this book we will meet Professor Amalia Zapatero and her new students. But we will also see how there are children who go from despair to illusion only with someone paying attention to them and worrying about teaching them. Amalia arrives in Gastón when she is almost 60 years old, and after a life dedicated to teaching she only treasures memories of her former students, a postcard of the Norwegian fjords, and some money saved to make the trip she has always dreamed of.

The group of children assigned to it is a fifth class, poorly nourished since the town is semi isolated. It is a difficult age, and even more so if there are no future prospects. And although the beginnings are difficult, Amalia get very important achievements that start the day he proposes to 'play with the letters'.

It is a sad story, but also beautiful, because of the same presence of Amalia, the restaurant owner who listens to his confidences, and the children, who have learned to strive and fight for their dreams. You will find mixed feelings, a path full of difficulties, loneliness and also the joy of a job well done.

And if the beginnings are difficult, relations with the principal and parents of children are no less: misunderstanding will give way to admiration, but not without marking the teacher.

The writer is Cuca Canals, and the illustrator José Castro, it costs 8.60 euros, and I recommend it for you to read at home with the children.

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