In search of a quality music education in the education system: the initiative of the FSMCV

The Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community FSMCV) warns about what many education experts consider a "pedagogical error": relegate the music subject in the educational system; and urges the autonomous governments to include music in education, for its benefits in educational performance.

Music teaching is considered to act as a protection factor against school failure and dropout, in addition to providing long-term benefits
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (in front of which María José Catalá is), are sensitive to the contributions of the FSMCV, so they have ensured that several initiatives will be developed around the presence of music in teaching.

Specifically, it seems that musical training will have more presence both in Primary and Secondary, within the framework of the LOMCE in the Community. The subject will maintain the weight within the school curriculum that has been having so far, and there will be a positive discrimination in favor of music (increasing the number of hours). It should be remembered that Artistic Education is composed of musical education and plastic and visual education. Thus, special consideration will be given to music within Artistic Education.

In addition, with the implementation of the LOMCE the subject of Artistic Education will not change its schedule and will continue to be taught for three hours a week from first to fourth and for two hours a week in fifth and sixth grade of Primary

In the information provided by the FSMCV, we also find that the professor of the University of Valencia Remigi Morant, values ​​the announcement of the consellera as interesting, but always hoping that the contents of the curriculum in the Community are developed; and that it is known how the promised improvement will be translated (and coined as "regional trunk").

In this regard, the entity we are talking about has submitted some amendments to the LOMCE so that music was a core subject throughout the territory, seeking the guarantee of quality music education in the educational system, which is not subject to legislative fluctuations.

The FSMCV has 45 years of existence, groups 541 musical societies and their musical schools (50% of the entire Spanish territory). Since two years ago, develops a project called "Music against school failure" that brings together multiple contributions and initiatives to support music education.

Video: I SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! (July 2024).