Meet the news that the new Traffic Law has established regarding the safety of children

As you know last Thursday, the reform of the Law on Traffic, Traffic of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety was approved, which will come into force one month after its publication in the BOE. The main developments regarding the protection of minors focus on helmet use when riding a bicycle, and in child restraint systems (SRI).

If you remember, it will be a year since we learned that at the request of the DGT, the draft reform of the General Circulation Regulation included the proposal that children weighing less than 18 kilos had to travel in safety seats placed in the opposite direction of travel. But this is not reflected in the Law, so I imagine it will not have a development.

Although, on the other hand, the new European standard for type-approval, if it establishes that in SRI approved under the new directive, children up to 15 months must travel sitting with their backs to the direction of travel. But let's continue with the news of the newly approved Law. The criteria of weight and age are replaced by height, so that children measuring less than 1.35 meters should use SRI. And children they will not be able to travel in front seats (even with restraint system) if they do not reach that size, except that the rear seats are occupied by other minors that do not exceed the mentioned height, or if rear seats are not available.

The consequence for non-compliance, in the case of traveling children under 1.35 in the front seat, is that the authorities can enforce the imposition of a sanction of 200 euros and the immobilization of the vehicle

The same rule applies to taxis, and the responsibility for a breach lies with the adult in charge of the minor, thus parents must provide the vehicle with the appropriate SRI in case they require the services of a taxi driver. It is intended to press on these infractions, expanding the focus to public transport.

As our colleagues in Babies and More, and still understanding the need to protect children, and never let our guard down when we travel by private car; It will not always be practical (or even possible) to provide the safety seat when calling a taxi.

For example, I have traveled by plane carrying the children's SRIs, and then use them by taxi or rental car (depending on the reason for the visit); but I have also had to take my children to the ER, being alone (and without a car), for which I have required public transport services. In the latter case, I have not carried car seats or elevators, because they were inside our car parked near my partner's work.

As there are cases in which it is not possible to anticipate the need for displacement, I find myself always having the elevators at home, just in case. Then when I have to put them in our car, I will, to disassemble them on return.

By last, Children under 16 must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle (if you have wheels too) by city; the breach can be punished with a sanction of 200 euros, but without immobilization.

Most of the 20 novelties of the Road Safety Law will be operational on April 21, 2014. Only those related to speed limits and child restraint systems will be excluded, which - in any case - will begin to apply before summer

Video: Ahmedabad traffic police collected Rs lakh in fine on the first day of new Motor Vehicles Act (July 2024).