The Frenchman also claims his space in the education of the kids

It is estimated that more than 200 million people in 68 states on five continents use french for communicating. In Europe there are 27 million who study this language and in Spain exceeds one million students, between Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. Before the rise of English, French was the foreign language with the most presence in Spain.

And is that the geographical and neighborhood proximity, the cultural and scientific impact and the close relations between both countries allowed a good educational expansion that has points in common facilitated by the Romanesque origin of Spanish and French. Also in Spain we have excellent teachers with high training and who make a daily effort for the diffusion of the language. In addition, France is a job opportunity for its good commercial relations with Spain and the one that still has more Spanish residents. In the video below Santillana It presents us with the educational offer that it offers for children and that can encourage them to start professional careers of great interest.

For example, there are many International organizations, such as the UN, UNESCO, NATO, the International Olympic Committee and the Red Cross, in which French can be a great asset. Also the European institutions: Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg will be delighted to receive workers who speak and master the language of France.

He Frenchtherefore maintains a good health in Spain and it is perceived as a nearby language, which opens up new job opportunities. It could be said that although English is a necessary and almost essential language in the times we live in, French is also one of those chosen by thousands of students to expand their knowledge and have better experiences.

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