In the cold, some tips to improve your defenses

We have freezing temperatures throughout Spain, even in many places with snow. There is no doubt that the cold has come.

Because their immune system is weaker than that of adults, children are especially vulnerable to low temperatures, which makes them more likely to get the most frequent diseases in winter such as colds, flu, otitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or more serious such as pneumonia.

To prevent them, we must take into account some tips to improve your defenses.

Shelter them properly (which is not the same as too much)

The coat is the first defense barrier to prevent cooling. A reader who lives in Sweden has once commented that "There is no bad weather, but bad clothes." It is true. It is important to choose the right clothes so that they are well warm, which It is not synonymous with sheltering them too much. We parents tend to do it a lot and then they end up sweating, which is more serious than being normal and if it is necessary to shelter them more.

It is recommended to shelter children with one more layer than what we wear. Armando has advised us in a very complete post how to properly shelter babies and children depending on whether he is in a baby carrier, in a stroller or if he already walks, because obviously the heat generated by his body will be different.

Of course, what can not be missed is common sense. It will also depend on the walk you are going to take, if you are going to be outdoors for a long time, if there is sun that warms a little, if there is wind or not ... Anyway, factors that must also be taken into account.

Anyway, the winter kit includes a hat (better cotton so it doesn't bite) or an executioner that covers the ears, gloves (for the little ones, better mittens, easier to put on), and a scarf or neck.

Wash hands frequently

Handwashing is an essential habit that helps prevent infections and diseases. By being in contact with sick children, touching infected surfaces or objects and then putting your hand in your mouth can spread quickly.

Therefore, whenever they are dirty, as well as before eating, before and after using the bathroom, after touching animals, before touching a baby, they should wash their hands.

Washing should be conscious, it has to last between 40 and 60 seconds. If the child is very young, you should help him.

A good diet and a good rest

Tiredness and deficiency of certain nutrients can affect the body's response to the entry of a virus, so it is important that the child carries a varied diet and sleep as necessary.

Before and during the introduction of solids, the breastmilk It is the best defense for the baby. It has been shown to act as a protective shield against the incidence of otitis, respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases.

With the introduction of solids, and always according to the age at which they should be offered, increase the portions of vegetables and fruits in the diet of small, especially citrus rich in vitamins A and C.

Offer them sufficient protein, as well as cereals (preferably whole grains) and legumes. Do not give them cold drinks, instead give them hot broths and drinks or water and natural juices at room temperature.

Of course, do not skip breakfast, but instead, turn it into The most important meal of the day. A full breakfast that includes fruit, cereals and dairy gives you energy for the whole day and helps increase your defenses.

I hope these tips to improve children's defenses against the cold help prevent (or at least reduce) this winter opportunistic viruses attack your children.

Video: Madden 20 Defense Tips 101 - How To Play Defense (June 2024).