Ten bananas a day (for breakfast) during pregnancy

Incrédula I stay when reading this news of a six month pregnant girl who practices (and spreads) an extreme diet during pregnancy. He announced the news of his pregnancy to his thousands of followers a few weeks ago on the social network of Instagram photos, and has generated quite controversy.

Of course, seeing her photographs is hard to believe that she is in the 25th week of pregnancy, she is very thin and although it is true that women do not have to gain weight at the same rate, she looks very thin (even bypassing the gut, his legs and arms are very thin).

She is the Australian blogger Loni Jane Anthony, and the news of her "case" has reached the country's newspapers, she has even had to respond with an interview to the attacks. The controversy comes by its Extreme diet based on a lot of bananas a day (ten bananas for breakfast only; small bananas, yes), along with smoothies and some salad, warm water with lemon and watermelon, oranges or mango.

And controversial because she intends to "inspire" other women to follow her example and lead a healthier lifestyle. This was decided three years ago, when she began to follow the 80/10/10 diet of Dr. Douglas N. Graham, based exclusively on raw, fresh, whole-grain fruits and vegetables.

It is not that his image reminded me of some that I saw when preparing the post about pregorexia or mamirexia disorder: pregnant and extremely thin, it seems quite healthy within its thinness.

I do not know if this future mother is in the obsessive state that characterizes women who suffer from pregorexia disorder, I do not know if she will be following a medical follow-up, if she takes nutritional supplements so that she does not lack nutrients ... but it does not cease to surprise your diet

Taking a look at his Instagram account we see how many photos are of fruits and vegetables, it is seen that in his usual diet he usually feeds on these foods that are very healthy, but in combination with other meals and with good planning to complete A balanced diet during pregnancy.

Remember that if we limit food intake during pregnancy a lot and we lack nutrients, it may happen that the baby weighs little at birthThat is why it is recommended not to go hungry under any circumstances and eat in a balanced and healthy way.

Vegetarianism and pregnancy

If you are vegetarian (This girl claims to be vegan and thanks everything that has contributed to her life that way of feeding), there are some tips to make a diet as balanced as possible, because if it is well planned, it may be enough. According to the American Dietetic Association, the well-planned vegan and vegetarian diet is suitable for all stages of life, including pregnancy and lactation.

But the thing to be clear about is that a pregnant woman needs extra nutrition so that the fetus grows healthy and so that she herself is healthy during this important process of hormonal and bodily change. A poor diet during pregnancy could cause a delay in the development of the baby, so it is important to follow the doctor's advice. Even at the beginning of pregnancy an insufficient diet would impair the child's brain development.

Joni says that his diet has provided not only physical but also spiritual health, which has changed his way of being and behaving with others. Also that he has quit alcohol, which he used to drink five times a week. Although he has not left it completely (he points out), since he now takes it once every five months. Is it also during pregnancy? Hopefully not.

The fact is that his large number of followers has made his "message" go far and the controversy arises. Some call her a "preacher," "reckless," but she says she doesn't want to convince anyone, just "inspire" the girls to see that there are other healthy lifestyles other than the bottle. But well, neither so much nor so bald, I would say ...

Her statements were so critical that she interviewed her again and she defends herself by pointing out that those who accuse her of endangering her son's health are in her comfort zone and don't want to see beyond MacDonald's greasy diet.

He also points out that the doctor who is still pregnant (is now 27 weeks old) is happy with his health, even iron levels (to be monitored especially in vegetarian diets) They are fine, so criticism is unjustified. Hopefully so and that the essential nutrients for the baby are not lacking.

Also in this second part of his interview he adds some different foods that he says he also takes (avocados, coconut yogurt, seaweed ...), so that the range of foods he consumes daily increases a bit.

Anyway, as much as I can understand the passion for such healthy foods as bananas and other fruits, I don't see that feeding exclusively on them is enough (at least without control and planning), and I think you can being healthy during pregnancy combining those foods with others from all groups.

Video: Whether Can We Eat A Banana During in Pregnancy? Red BANANA Is Really? (July 2024).