Back to school: 17 stories to help children with the beginning of the course

The beginning of September also marks the beginning of the school year. Many children start school for the first time and can express feelings and doubts that parents, perhaps, do not understand or do not know how to manage.

That is why we want to propose a list of stories, specially designed for the little ones, that deal with the school. Through their pages and the stories of their characters, children will be able to identify emotions, situations and routines that they will help them face the school back in a positive way.

1) Rita goes to school

This is a fun activity book aimed at the little ones, where Rita - who starts school for the first time - will need help preparing her backpack. The children must test their memory and lift the flaps to find the objects that Rita wants to take the first day of school. And in the end, a backpack with all the elements! An excellent story to help children acquire routines and habits.

It is from the Comble publishing house, and is written by Mike Byrne. Available on Amazon for 27.99 euros: //

In Babies and more When we leave our child the first few days in nursery school: what happens inside the classroom?

2) The tentacles of Blef - Fear

Blef fails to fall asleep. He is afraid because tomorrow is his first day of school. His and that of all his companions. With this story, the children will meet Blef and his friends who will help them identify and manage your fears in a healthy, respectful and fun way.

This story by Teresa Arias belongs to the Emonautas publishing house and is available on Amazon for € 13.20.

The tentacles of Blef - Fear

Today on Amazon for € 13.20: //

3) I always think of you

With this story of beautiful illustrations, the little ones will understand that, despite separating, mom and dad will think a lot about them and that they are looking forward to the time to pick them up from school. A nice story to treat the fear of separation.

From Appelt and Dyer, it belongs to the Juventud publishing house, and you can buy them at Amazon for 11.40 euros.

I always think of you (Albums Ilúlustrats)

Today on Amazon for € 11.40: //

4) Until the afternoon!

Miguel and Ana go to the nursery. Miguel, with the smallest and Ana, with the oldest. Through this story, the children will learn the routines of the school and the nursery school.

This book is edited by Corimbo and its author is Jeanne Ashbe. Available on Amazon for 39.02 euros.

5) Nacho goes to school

This story is part of a larger collection of moments and situations that its protagonist lives. On this occasion, Nacho faces his first day of school and the sadness that invades him when his mother leaves him at school: How will you overcome it?

It is written by Liesbet Slegers and belongs to the Edelvives publishing house. Available on Amazon for 9.02 euros.

Nacho goes to school

Today on Amazon for € 9.02: //

6) Lulu likes school

Today is the first day of Lulu's school and that is why she is very nervous. He does not want to say goodbye to his mother and fears not making friends. But when Lulu decides to be brave, discover how fun school can be.

This story by the SM publishing house is written by Camilla Reid and illustrated by Ailie Busby. Available on Amazon for 11.90 euros.

Lulu likes school. A Simple Story About A Very Special Day

Today on Amazon for € 11.90: // In Babies and more, my son doesn't want to start school !: five tips to help them face the return in a positive way

7) Things I like about school

This story is part of a larger collection where different situations and emotions are addressed. In this case, the school is focused from a positive point of view. There are many things you like about school, such as having friends, getting along with classmates and teachers, and learning many new things. At the end of the book there is an informative note for parents.

Written by Trace Morone and the publisher SM is available on Amazon for 9.45 euros.

Things I like about school (Feelings)

Today on Amazon for € 9.45: //

8) I'm going to school

This story, from the Elfos publishing house, belongs to a collection called "What? How? Why?" which responds to the doubts and concerns of the little ones. In this case the subject of the school is dealt with in response to the questions that children may have.

Its price on Amazon is 8.45 euros: //

I'm going to school (what? Junior)

Today on Amazon for € 8.45: //

9) I don't want to go to school

Going to school is for many children reason for cries and tantrums. With the help of little Simon, the children will understand that if you don't go to school you can miss many funny situations and interesting.

This story, from Picarona and written by Ana Oom, is available on Amazon in hardcover for 9.45 euros.

I don't want to ... Go to school (PICARONA)

Today on Amazon for € 9.45: // In Babies and more, my son leaves school very angry: how to help children who seem to "explode" when they leave class

10) Mom is coming

Lisa's mother is very clueless and continuously forgets something, be it the glasses, the keys, the purse or the roast in the oven. Sometimes Lisa helps her find what she has lost but when the day comes to start school, Lisa enters afraid of her mother forgetting to go looking for her. And that anguish is getting bigger every day.

This story, from the TakaTuka publisher, is written and illustrated by Zara Pinson and Laure Monloubou and available on Amazon for € 14.25.

Mom is Coming ...

Today on Amazon for € 14.25: //

11) A kiss on my hand

This story is specially designed for children who suffer anxiety about temporary separation of their loved ones, either because school starts, they go camping or they have to be separated for any other reason.

It belongs to the collection The Kissing Hand Series, is edited by Spanish-Language and its author is Audrey Penn. Its price on Amazon is 15.25 euros.

A Kiss In My Hand (Kissing Hand)

Today on Amazon for € 15.25: //

12) The color monster goes to school

If your child likes the classic story of "The monster of colors", with this new adventure he will enjoy much more. The monster of colors starts school, and feels many things like nerves or fear of the unknown. But also a great happiness when, at the end of the day, remember everything you enjoyed.

This story by Flamboyant publishing house is written by Anna Llenas Serra and you can find it on Amazon for 15.20 euros.

The Color Monster goes to school

Today on Amazon for € 15.20: //

13) I don't want to separate from mom

Going to school can be fun, but separating from mom is not easy. David, the little protagonist of this emotional story, doesn't like being without his mother. To reassure him, she will tell him a great secret that will help many children (and their parents) to face the fear of separation.

It belongs to Salvatella publishing house, and is indicated for children between three and eight years. Its authors are Dinah Levy and Almu López, and you find it on Amazon for 7.60 euros.

I don't want to separate from mom (Parents)

Today on Amazon for € 7.60: //

14) Mom goes to school

It is the first day of school. All children say goodbye to their parents in tears and tantrums at the door of the school. But the little protagonist of this story does not give up and get her mother to stay with her. Although nothing will go as expected. A book full of tenderness and fun that will help the little ones in their adaptation process.

This story by the Blackie Little publisher is written by Éric Veillè and you can find it on Amazon for 14,15 euros.

Mom goes to school

Today on Amazon for € 14.15: //

15) I go to school

With this book from the "Wonderful World" series, the little ones will discover the school environment, day to day at school, classes, special days (parties, excursions ...). A book for the little ones to prepare their return to school after the holidays.

It belongs to the publishing house SM and its author is Charlotte Roederer. You find it on Amazon for 12.82 euros.

I go to school: My first encyclopedia (Wonderful world)

Today on Amazon for € 12.82: // In Babies and more My son starts the course in a new school: nine keys to help him adapt

16) Do I have to go to school?

This book helps children understand that school is a space where they start learning new things about the world, beyond the family. Children will discover the pleasure of learning new things, meeting new people and living new experiences.

This story by the Juventud publishing house is written by Thomas - Harker and you can find it on Amazon for 10.45 euros.

I have to go to school? (LET'S TALK ABOUT… )

Today on Amazon for € 10.45: //

17) My first day of school

Who has not spent a little fear on his first day of school? Discover with Fran that school is a fun place to make new friends. A collection that helps children to get acquainted with everyday situations that are totally new to them: with nice illustrations and a text adapted for first readers.

It belongs to Todolibro publishing house, and you can buy it on Amazon for 3.79 euros.

My first day of school (Get older)

Today on Amazon for € 3.79: //

Video: My Teachers (July 2024).