Do you post photos of your children on the internet? the question of the week

As you know, every week we ask you the question of the week so that you answer it in our Answers section and at the same time you can vote the answers of the other users.

Following an interesting article published in our brother Xataka blog about parents who shared too much (of their children) on the internet, we want to ask your opinion on the subject. Therefore, we ask you:

Do you post photos of your children on the internet?

Do you think children are exposed too much by publishing their photos online? Is your right to privacy taken into account? Why do parents like it so much? We would like to know your point of view on this hot topic from the emergence of social networks.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: What element of childcare was most useful to you with your baby? Since we often buy items for babies that we don't even use and the one we thought we wouldn't use ends up being the most popular.

The most voted answer was that of lubau who told us:

Without a doubt I think the most useful was the baby carrier ... nothing like bringing that little thing stuck to the body when we left. Both for him and for us. Followed by the changer, which has saved us more than a backache and full body fights, to always go warm always !!

Followed by mamatequiere's

For me and my baby the breast pump became essential. It cost me a pastón but I paid for it quickly: 10 months of deferred breastfeeding and 5 of them donating milk. Without a doubt the best purchase.

So we can take your opinions into account we need you to answer in our Answers section, entering through the question link. If you do it in this post we will not be able to take them into account and we will not be able to comment on them next week.

Video: Should You Post Pictures of Your Kids on Social Media? (July 2024).