Isa Sanz's photographs in 'Alma Máter' show us mothers proud to breastfeed their children

Isa Sanz, use photography as the main means of expression, and through it transmits the emotionality and depth of the female universe in a little known way.

Today I have the pleasure of presenting your work Alma Máter, and I love doing it right when Mother Breastfeeding Week is celebrated.

In the pictures I see powerful women, and safe mothers of their bodyI see small and large babies feeding on the milk that nourishes them, protects them and gives them love.

They are images that transmit strength and the conviction that once chosen the path of breastfeeding, and overcome the difficulties, there is no 'turning back', because those mothers portrayed know that it is the most natural.

The act of breastfeeding is endowed with great beauty, and therefore there is no prejudice to exhibit their bodies, bodies that have given life, and keep it feeding the creatures.

You may not see the same as me, who knows, but you may also like them as much as I do. 'Alma Máter' is available in Isa's store, in a hardcover folder.

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