We celebrate Grandparents Day and also remember those who are deprived of seeing their grandchildren

Today is the Grandparent's Day, and from Peques and Más we want to pay them a well-deserved tribute. The role that grandparents play in many Spanish families in these times is indisputable, since in many cases they have become the axis of economic support.

But they should be able to be part of the family group (and regardless of geographical proximity) based on their real possibilities. That is to say, without the burden being excessive, neither from the point of view of the help to take care of the children, and for that reason we want to remember the advice not to overload them. Because for nuclear families, the experience that grandparents can transmit should be enough, and this is often lost when they are charged with excessive responsibilities. Therefore, let's accept that our grandparents can sometimes also refuse to take care of children (for example so parents can go out to dinner), without deteriorating the relationship.

Today they are the protagonists and, although our children should always keep them in mind, we will tell them that the elders like to be reminded, and we will be encouraged to visit them or call them by phone

And if we talk about those grandparents who support parents by facilitating family organization, we also have to point out the psychological abuse to which many are subjected. There are cases in which parents condition visits to grandchildren to financial contributions, an act that is not justified at all whether or not we lack the money.

Just as serious is that our elders are deprived of hugging and feeling the warmth of the children, when there are separations or divorces involved, with custody result in favor of a parent. There are few cases in which grandparents on one side or the other go to the background and any type of relationship with grandchildren is impossible.

We want to move again our congratulations to the grandparents, and enable children to always keep them in mind (even when they have already passed away), because it is a way to recognize their roots and feel part of a story.

Video: INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAII: The Hawaiian Language. Program (July 2024).