Summer recipes for kids: Homemade fruit ice cream

When we have children all day at home, we have to worry about many things, among others, about their hydration. One of the best Summer recipes for kids are homemade fruit ice cream, because they are very simple to prepare and because they always love them.

In addition, ice creams are a good tool to introduce new fruits into your diet and help us taste and get used to new flavors. Today I will teach you the technique to make delicious ice cream with or without ice cream machine so you can make them with the fruit you want.

Now that the high temperatures have arrived, a good way to hydrate children It is with homemade ice cream. These recipes are very easy and quick to prepare, so they are ideal for when you squeeze the heat. In addition, we will always know what our children are drinking and we will know that they are not consuming dyes or other food additives.

Ingredients for 1/2 liter of ice cream

  • For the base: 150 ml of whole milk, 100 ml of cream, 3 egg yolks, 60 gr of sugar
  • For the taste of fruit: 150 gr of mashed fruit crushed (I used peach but you can use bananas, strawberries, apricots or combinations of each other)

How to make homemade fruit ice cream

We begin by preparing the creamy base of our ice cream, which will be a English cream. It is very simple to prepare and it serves us for all kinds of fruit ice creams that we want to make. We start beating the egg yolks with the sugar until they are well foamy.

In a saucepan we heat the milk and cream and when it seems that it will break to boil we turn off the heat. We dump a little on the yolks and sugar, and move slowly. Then, carefully we turn the rest of the milk and cream on the yolks. It is important to do so and not vice versa to prevent buds from curdling.

We bring the mixture back to the fire stirring until we notice that it begins to thicken, after a couple of minutes. We turn off and reserve. This base will help us make any creamy ice cream, adding the flavor we want.

Peel the peaches or the chosen fruit and chop it. With a blender, we crush the fruit until a fine puree is obtained. Mix the fruit puree with the cream and we have our ice cream ready in the absence of freezing and butter. If you have ice cream machine, put the mixture in the bucket and let it hold for about an hour.

If you don't have ice cream maker, you can put the ice cream in the ice buckets and let it freeze. When you want to take it, it will be enough to crush the cubes with the blender (taking them out 5 minutes before the freezer so that it can be done easily) and in a couple of minutes we will have a creamy and appetizing homemade fruit ice cream.

Processing time | 15 minutes plus freezer or ice cream mantecado Difficulty | Simple recipe


The homemade fruit ice cream They are excellent both for dessert and for snack time. Since they don't have much refined sugar they are very healthy for the children that also will eat an extra portion of fruit, so necessary for nutrition. And the ice creams are so good, they will probably want to repeat.