Week 14 of pregnancy: your baby already makes gestures

We resume our review of pregnancy week by week and today we arrive at the week 14 of pregnancy, already fully integrated in the second quarter and with all the changes that will happen then.

The mother in the 14th week of pregnancy

The 14 weeks of pregnancy They will be much more bearable if you have had symptoms such as dizziness and nausea before. In addition, the fact that the belly begins to be evident will be a source of pride and joy, because it stands out slightly without being heavy.

The breasts are considerably larger and quite sensitive. If you have not done so before, it may be the right time to buy a pregnancy bra, taking care that it has no rings and is made of a natural and breathable fabric. Some women refuse that, in sexual intercourse, their partner touches their breasts, as it can bother them, being something completely normal.

New annoying symptoms may appear that with a healthy life, rest, walks and good nutrition can be controlled.

The body is changing, making room for the growing uterus. It is normal for back pain, swelling of the legs due to fluid retention and some gastric discomfort, especially hemorrhoids or constipation.

Walk, eat vegetables and fruit combined with good quality protein, avoid spicy and exciting drinks or with gas and above all, do not hesitate to take a break and lift your legs when you need it, which will be especially necessary if it is very hot or your job is tired.

To limit back pain it is convenient to wear flat shoes and make sure we have the mattress to sleep in good condition. Some moms need some extra pillow, either to sleep on their side by putting it between their legs, or to sleep a little while sitting and relieve gastric reflux.

However, low back pain or sciatica if they can become worrying and before medicating it is convenient to see a doctor for advice, especially if the pain is strong and symptoms such as problems with urination or fever appear.

As the gut grows the skin will have to stretch. In some cases it will itch, and nothing better than keeping it well hydrated using appropriate oils or specific creams without contraindications. Also, surely our baby feels that pleasant and relaxing moment of the massage too.

Without obsessing, it is convenient to verify that the weight gain you have is adequate, calculating approximately one kilo per month.

Exercising during pregnancy is convenient, always within what is rational and according to what we did before. Avoid exercises that involve excessive weight lifting and abdominal muscle overload. It is best to walk, swim, ride a bike or do prenatal yoga, which will help us stay flexible, keep fit and feel healthy.

The baby at 14 weeks of pregnancy

The fetus grows rapidly. At 14 weeks of pregnancy will weigh about 30 grams and will measure approximately 10 centimeters. It looks like a miniature baby.

The yolk sac has disappeared and its food comes from the placenta, an organ that grows with it and from which it will receive food and oxygen until after birth, when the cord stops beating and sending it what is necessary to adapt to the world.

In the week 14 of pregnancy head remains disproportionate in relation to the body although the baby is already perfectly recognizable as a small human. His facial features are becoming increasingly evident and we could even see how he gestures with the muscles of his face, he sucks his finger and his little hand.

He drinks amniotic fluid and pees inside the belly, waves his arms and legs and seems to feel happy in his intrauterine life.

We finish our visit a week 14 of pregnancy and we will continue with our review of pregnancy week by week.

Next week: 15 week of pregnancy

Video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (May 2024).