Books that answer questions of those curious little ones that are your children

These two books that I present will answer some of the questions that children over seven are still asking, and they will encourage them to continue acquiring knowledge.

Many of us have heard or read that the children begin to ask us questions about two years, and that this phase (which many parents find it endless, and others find it exciting), comes to an end at seven years. It’s clear, but in any case, that they do not ask us things does not mean that their curiosity to know the world around them disappears, so parents must find a way to feed her.

70 curious questions about the world around us (and its amazing answers)

It has been translated from German by María Condor, and belongs to the collection 'The three ages / We like to know'.

This amazing and fun book brings together the answers to 70 curious questions about our body, the animal world, plants, science, technology and other concerns or doubts we have ever had

Do you think they would like to know why we are taller in the morning than at night? Does anyone know if fish drink water? Fortunately, curious minds always find a place that responds to their concerns.

The fantastic trip to the Big Bang (Astronomy from Galileo to the black holes)

Written by Jürgen Teichmann and Katja Wehmer

With its numerous experiments and suggestive questions, this book will awaken in young readers the enthusiasm to know the Universe

With this book we will travel through the cosmos, we will calculate the force of gravity, we will discover Uranus and infrared rays, we will enter the secret code of the stars, we will find out how far away the galaxies are, we will know the red giants, the echo of the Big Bang, the black holes and also we will find out why the color of a star can reveal its speed.

This journey through the history of Astronomy is more exciting than a police novel

Both are highly recommended, what do you think of your son's birthday present?

Images / More information | Editions Siruela En Peques y Más | The best children's and youth readings of Siruela editions for the winter holidays, The best guide to bring knowledge to children: 'Dare to know'

Video: Top 10 or 20 Picture Books for Preschoolers (May 2024).