Visit with children to the Albufera de Mallorca

Today is World Wetlands Day, a special date to remember with our children the importance of water and wetland areas, of great ecological value. That's why we wanted visit with children S'Albufera de Mallorca.

Actually, we remember a tour we have done several times with my daughters, a pleasant walk in an environment with great attractions for the little ones. S'Albufera is located to the north of the island, it covers a part of the municipal terms of Alcúdia, Muro and Sa Pobla.

This swampy area has an approximate area of ​​2,580 hectares and a perimeter of about 32 kilometers. A good part of the Albufera retains its natural characteristics intact, which makes it a privileged space with great environmental value.

Since 1988 it was declared a Natural Park, with 1,700 hectares protected. In addition, the area was also declared ZEPA (Zone of special protection for birds) and Biosphere Reserve. On the other hand, the Albufera is included in the Ramsar agreement for the protection of wetlands.

One of our visits to S'Albufera

Tips for visiting S'Albufera de Mallorca with children

If you visit it in summer, I recommend you do it on a cloudy day, very early or go with a good dose of sunscreen and water. The first part of the tour, until we reach the reception center, can be done by bicycle or with the baby carriage without problems.

It is a long walk, to keep in mind because after we have to go through a lot of park (well, as much as we want, there are different itineraries) and there are not too many shady areas. We can spend the whole morning or afternoon in S'Albufera.

Many people decide do the bike tour so as not to get tired, and although there are some areas for which you can not continue with them (there are parking lots for bikes), for the majority of the park you can move around.

The best time to see all kinds of birds in spring, after and during the rains. This summer we saw the park drier than other years, but it depends on the rains of each month we will have more possibilities to see some more or less dry areas.

There is always the central torrent and the main channels with water and many ducks and big fish. In addition this summer we were surprised to see bulls in one of the bounded areas, they had been expressly taken, it is not that it is a pasture area nor these animals can often be seen in Mallorca.

It is highly recommended to walk with children in certain places to remain standing and silent because you can appreciate many sounds of diverse animals and try to recognize them, it is fascinating.

The natural wealth of S'Albufera de Mallorca

In this area, the predominant vegetation is the hurdle and the caesquera (chamiza), which were formerly used to feed livestock, among other uses. During the summer months, seawater enters the Albufera, which during the rest of the year feeds on the water of the torrents.

In saltwater areas, salicornias and reeds appear, but trees such as elms, tamarinds and poplars must also be highlighted.

The fauna that lives in the Albufera of Mallorca It is abundant and diverse. Only in birds, we find about 230 species that nest or spend seasons in this protected natural space (the foja, the mallard, the little bird, the stork and the carricerín ...).

But there are also many migratory species that only stop to rest (flamingos or waders) and those that are installed to spend the winter (ducks, herons ...). In humid areas like this, fish (eel, sea bass, silverside), amphibians and reptiles also abound.

It is not certain that we see all these animals, but many of them. There are wooden observatories to see the birds without disturbing them, although as I said not at all times there is water in all areas (especially in summer, the dry season).

To make the visit more interesting there is a small reception center with models and beautiful photographs of the landscapes, flora and fauna of the Albufera. There is a permanent exhibition (also a novelty of this year is the donation of one euro to enter this small space without surveillance).

In it we find informative panels, models and screens with interactive audiovisual information. From here, we can follow different itineraries in the park. Do not leave the marked routes! And remember not to make much noise so as not to disturb the animals.

There are snacks next to the reception center in case we want to have lunch or lunch during the visit, and in any case remember that it is a long journey so we will have to be well provided with drinks and snacks for children.

The visiting hours of the S'Albufera Natural Park in Mallorca It is from 9 to 18 hours in high season (April-September) and from 9 to 17 hours in winter (October-March). The visit is free but you need to go through the reception center to give us a permit. Enjoy your children in this fabulous wetland!

Video: Hotel PortBlue Club Pollentia Resort & Spa Mallorca. Wellnessbereich (July 2024).