How sad to be criticized for taking care of your children

It is very common to hear that we have to educate our children in values, set limits and teach them that life is not a path of roses to get them to be like us adults, that apparently we have many values. It is common but it is easy to realize after the fish dies by the mouth and that the elderly, who have more responsibility when it comes to weaving the social fabric, are many times more selfish and envious than children.

To be more specific, I am referring to all those women (and men, although there are fewer of them) who, determined to take care of their children, extend maternity leave, reduce the workday or take leave, receiving criticism from people of their environment and your work. And I say: how sad it is that they criticize you for taking care of your children.

Babies need us a lot

Babies come to the world to be happy, although their first goal is to survive. They do their best to keep their caregivers close, to be well fed, to feel good and that is why they cry and complain a lot. They do it normally until they are able to fend for themselves and that is why they are so demanding of children, because they need us so much.

Maternity leave is 16 weeks, less than four months, which cause a mother to separate from her son while still being a baby, almost as demanding as the first day. Surely if we ask any mother who is about to join work for the duration of maternity leave, she will tell us that it is very short. Check if it is a short time that does not even give to follow one of the best known recommendations of recent times: give exclusive breast milk until six months. It's not that it can't be done, but it's a big lock that after four months mom has to leave home to work.

Many mothers look for solutions

So, given the panorama of leaving your little baby totally dependent on the hands of other people, many mothers end up looking for temporary solutions that allow them to continue taking care of their children: reductions in time, leave, etc., measures that are not always well seen. for the direct environment of women.

If you do it for a short time it is more than likely that nobody will say anything. Now, if the thing begins to lengthen the mouths begin to open: that if you are going to love the child, yes when you return to work, that if he only works, that why you do nothing, that the child is already growing and you would have to look for a nursery, because as you have reduced the day the others have to do your work, what if you are not best mother for staying longer taking care of your son, than if ...

And all this is very sad, a lot, because many times it is the same family, or the family of the husband who tells you. Sometimes they are your companions, those with whom you have had such good times, that you have had a child to complain about giving more importance to your child than to your work. And I say it's sad because nobody thinks about the baby.

That baby who is not yet one year old needs his mother and father the first months, that nobody discusses, but also the first years. Already, I'm crazy, talk about years, but it is like this: years. What happens is that in families there has to be a balance between the money that goes in and out and we have to end up working hard and often we have to leave our children to be taken care of by others, which does not mean that it is necessary for them, but a solution to a problem.

Therefore, when a mother decides to stop working, when a family decides to tighten her belt and when she chooses to spend her time trying to make her child happy so that she grows up healthy, strong and well educated everyone should rejoice and as much to have healthy envy, that of "what luck you can".

However there are people selfish, bitter and toxic whose happiness seems to depend on the unhappiness of others. People who then tell you that "you have to educate children in values" or "you have to teach them to live." Sad, very sad.

Video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Childrens Lives (July 2024).