Amazing Christmas videos

We have just left Halloween behind and that means that the next important holiday (if we do not count the constitution or the day of the Immaculate Conception, because children do not celebrate anything these days) is Christmas. I do not say anything new, because surely you are already at home turning pages of toy catalogs and looking for where the matter is cheaper.

Well, as we are almost immersed in the Christmas theme return the classics Surprising Christmas videos in which Santa Claus and the Magi talk with our children. In my house they are forced to watch and so far they have never failed, it is to put them and have the children speechless receiving the message of such well-known characters.

There is not much news regarding last year, so the instructions do not vary. To do this, we only have to choose the "Create video" option and follow the steps. I say choose the option because we can also choose to make the letter, send a congratulation and, as a novelty this year, we can receive a message from Santa Claus or the Magi.

The video consists of two videos, one that is made at the moment and we see it instantly and another that will arrive within a few days to our mail to update the information offered to our children.

The steps to make the videos, as I say, are very simple. Choose Santa Claus or the Magi, the child's name and age, upload a photo to be seen in the video and say what is best for our child and what we think should improve. As in previous years, they do not speak of "you have behaved badly" or "you have not been good", but of "in this you could improve".

The good thing is that once the video is made, a link is sent to the e-mail that we have noted, being able to watch the video as many times as we want. My children already watched their respective videos yesterday and now we can only wait for the second part to arrive.

Without a doubt, it is already a Christmas classic that always surprises the little ones and that can be fun if at home you follow one of the two traditions (Santa Claus and / or the Magi).

Website | Amazing Christmas In Babies and more | Amazing Christmas: surprise your children with a video of Santa Claus or the Magi, one more year, Amazing Christmas: congratulate your children with a video of Santa Claus or the Magi, Surprise children with a video of Papa Noël or the three wise men

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