The cough disappears with the heroin Bayer syrup

If more than one was surprised that several decades ago the outer cage for children was invented, to leave them hanging on the wall of the buildings, surely knowing that many children took heroin as children will make you relax your jaw more if possible.

The culprit was Bayer, a well-known multinational, which put on sale in 1898 a syrup of a product called Heroin, whose name was given by the feelings experienced by the first people who tried it, aimed at children and whose effects were to relieve coughs and treat colds and bronchitis, in addition to other respiratory problems.

The illustrations that you can see above date from 1912, when they appeared in the press to make the syrup even more known (come on, get high) here in Spain. However, Bayer had been announcing its magnificent cough remedy for years, because it was in 1,900 when the advertising campaigns began, campaigns that included the delivery of thousands of free samples to doctors so that when they saw a child with a cough, he would give her heroin.

As it is logical, soon began to appear cases of children who seemed to have caught the taste of syrup and, as children do now, pretended to have a cough (mine sometimes does it to give him the cough syrup that both likes) to receive more. From Bayer, however, they tried to silence those voices, knowing that behind the product there were no studies confirming their safety.

Finally in 1913, and after proving that heroin was transformed into morphine by passing through the liver and that it was highly addictive, Bayer stopped production and decided to end his adventure as a great seller of one of the most addictive drugs that exists.

I think about the children who took the syrup in their childhood. Those who had two catarrillos a year as my children surely did not have too many problems, now, those who combine colds with bronchitis, bronchiolitis and other respiratory infections and who have histories with few years as extensive as those of any sure grandfather who spent it Too bad the day her mother returned from the pharmacy without her heroin syrup.

Video: Morphine. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).