Teachers demand a reasonable and stable educational legislation

On September 21 and 22, around 200 teachers from all educational stages met in Madrid. The reason? Participate in the Master Action Meeting to analyze (among other aspects) 'in what way is Education in Values ​​approached in the classroom'.

After two days of work, the teachers gathered presented conclusions such as the demand for a reasonable and stable educational legislation.

It is desirable that education be depoliticized and that those responsible be educators

The specific objectives of the Meeting were:

  • Cohesion and create a Active Community of motivated teachers that work on social values ​​within the classroom and that, in this way, have a direct influence on their community.

  • Empower and support to those innovative and enterprising professors. Make them more visible to the educational community and to society.

  • Extending and gradually expanding the community and the number of teachers who work social values ​​in their community.

Emphasis was placed on claiming before society 'the value of teacher's work' and 'recovering collective recognition of their work'

During the meeting, in which the majority of participants were mostly finalists or winners of the Master Action Prize, Teachers took the opportunity to express the needs of teachers to develop Education in Values ​​projects. As well as to request training programs aimed at teachers.

Yesterday World Teachers Day was celebrated, and we can take advantage to reflect on how educators can become agents and dynamizers of educational change.

Video: Privatizing Public Services. Prisons and Schools (July 2024).