Fall comes and the flu comes: five tips to get rid of it

We enter a new station and, with the cold and back to the routine there are new situations that may arise. Fall comes and the flu comes. We are going to give you five tips to get rid of it.

The flu, let's clarify first, is not a cold or cold, it is a virus for which we can not always protect or protect children, but if we adopt preventive measures, general health and care that will help us avoid flu infections.

Recognize the flu

The flu It is recognized by a high fever (above 38.5 degrees), severe muscle aches, severe headache, loss of appetite, irritability and, in some cases, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea.

There is a cough, dry at first and then evolve into a productive cough with mucus. In young children you have to be attentive, as they are more vulnerable and there is a possibility of complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

It is important to keep in mind that, in the case of the fluIn the case of a virus, antibiotics are not recommended if related infections are not diagnosed, which may happen, but, in principle, the treatment is antipyretics (but never aspirin) and keep the patient hydrated.

In offices, schools and especially in nurseries, the flu will be present throughout the autumn and winter, and, although absolute protection is not possible and taking into account that vaccination is not advised for the entire child population, if possible take prevention measures that we are going to provide you with these five tips.

Outdoor life

Outdoor life It is essential to prevent the flu, as well as to prevent any other illness. Clean and fresh air is not the natural space of this virus, which is spread by contact or by air and prefers closed and warm places. Therefore, spending time outdoors is already a measure of protection and, of course, exercising.

Further, the outdoors and the exercise They provide help to our immune system by maintaining better overall health and making us feel happier and happier, which is, in itself, a factor of protection against disease.

If we have the possibility of going to the beach it is wonderful, although it is not good weather for bathing but, if it is not too cold and we dry quickly, it is also not bad to take a quick bath if the waters are not freezing. If we don't have a beach, let's go to the mountains or the countryside, or, ultimately, to large, wooded parks.

Clean and healthy environments

The virus is spread mainly by air and by contact with surfaces or people who are infected. Therefore, a good prevention measure is to keep the rooms and well-ventilated enclosed spaces and clean the surfaces on which the virus may have been deposited.

This, sadly, is very complicated in kindergartens and schools, where children will spend many hours in the same room with little ventilation and where complete cleaning of surfaces is impossible.

In the moments of maximum incidence of infections it can become positive, especially for babies, avoid crowds or places with many people like shopping centers, cinemas, restaurants or common rooms, but we can't keep them in a bubble either. Simply, let's avoid, where possible, places with lots of people and poor ventilation.

At home and in other spaces where children are going to be, it would be convenient not to maintain a very strong heating for avoid thermal contrastWell, even if the flu is not a cooling, it may be easier to attack the individual if he suffers irritation in his mucous membranes.

When we are outdoors, we must go properly sheltered, but without sweating, and not put our coat on the heated spaces, but do so when leaving. And at home, the heating at an adequate temperature, I would say that at no more than 21 degrees although with 18 it is great if we do not insist on going in short sleeves. In fact, I must say, since we did not put it at home, we have avoided the flu and bad colds.

Good nutrition

A correct diet, rich in fruits and vegetables that they have many vitamins and that they provide us with good general health is essential, but we must not neglect the contribution of quality proteins, because they are essential for our body to function properly.

Echinacea, royal jelly and propolis, although its effectiveness is not proven but there are those who resort to them. Honey, what it does, is to calm the cough.

Regarding increasing doses of vitamin C, it does not seem to prevent or cure colds, but it is essential to ensure there is no deficit.

Wash your hands and other basic health measures

I leave for the end what is, without a doubt, the clearest possible recommendation, and the simplest one, which avoids many infections from both influenza and other contagious diseases: hand washing as an indispensable health habit.

Viruses that are in the hands of children quickly become in contact with their face, nose or mouth, so adequate and frequent hand hygiene It is a first barrier to infection.

But it is not enough to wash your hands before eating, it should be done whenever we have touched surfaces of common use or when arriving from the street although that, in the case of children, is not possible and it is also not convenient to go over hygiene. Let us be cautious but without obsession, because excess hygiene also weakens the immune system.

And washing your face, not just your hands, is another way to maintain hygiene in the areas most accessible to viruses. Also, of course it is not enough for children to wash their hands, adults should do it too and especially, those who arrive from the street and especially before taking the babies.

Additional measures that protect children from the flu and other respiratory infections is that avoid breathing air with tobacco smoke, which means, not only do not smoke in front of them, but also avoid doing so in the rooms that are then going to use even if it is ventilated. In principle, where there are children, you should not smoke.

If a family member has been in contact with a sick person, extreme care should be taken so as not to infect children and, without someone who is sick, care should be taken so that, if it can be avoided, do not pass it on to children. , especially to babies, in whom the disease can be more serious. And, for children, of course, The best vaccine is always breast milk, not only for infants, but for any child who still wants to breastfeed.

With these five tips we hope to help you prevent the flu Now that autumn is coming. And if it arrives, you know, bed, liquids, rest and medication under medical prescription.

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Video: Home Made Cold and Flu Remedy (July 2024).