Summer crafts: let's do the Indian

As the heat does not subside, I present a new craft to do with your children at home while you protect yourself from high solar radiation. It is very simple and economical. It's about making a Indian crown with cardboard and feathers.

Apart from having family fun while doing this craft with our children, then you will have fun playing the Indians. You can complete the game by building a tent or an Indian teepee in your living room.

Necessary material

  • a long piece of cardboard
  • 6 colored pens
  • red heat (or whatever we have)
  • a string
  • stickers
  • scissors

How to make the Indian feather crown

  1. The process is very simple. The first thing we will do is measure the head of our kids with the string. And we will cut the cardboard 4 fingers shorter than the perimeter. That margin will allow us to adjust the crown later.
  2. Next we will fix the pens one by one with zeal to the cardboard. It is important to use all the zeal we need, since that will make the crown more resistant.
  3. Then, we cover all the cardboard with the color jealousy and place the stickers as a decorative tope. Now we only have to make some holes with the scissors at the ends, being very careful not to break it, and run the string through them. So we can adjust the crown to the measure of the head of our children and ... to play!
  4. The crown can be adapted to what we have at home, decorating it with markers, with zeal of other colors ...

With this simple activity, we had a fun afternoon. At the same time that we stimulate the creativity and imagination of our children (keys to a good development on an emotional level), we teach them the value of recycling, and that many times a simple piece of cardboard can become an adventure ...

And for the most playful daddies, you can make a crown for yourself and make a little Indian with your children. Literally. Fun is assured.