Dads and Moms Blogs (CXXX)

As we do every week, when arriving on Tuesday, we offer you a review of the moms and dads blogs, collecting the posts that we liked, excited or interested. Let's go with it.

There are times when you read a blog post that reaches you very deeply, and expresses exactly what you feel. That happens a few times and this has been one of them. Janeth Ivimas, from Mom give me tit, He has achieved this time when he tells us that independence occurs over the years. And he is absolutely right.

I also found very interesting the reflection that makes Mar in I am a mother, I am a person, reminding us how fun it is to get dirty and also how necessary it is for children to be children.

Meláncolia and freedom breathe when reading Nohemí, of Mimes and Tit, telling us what her favorite toys were when she was a child and her children's toys, all quite different from the usual consoles and sophisticated devices that many children get distracted with.

Irene, in Be moms He has spoken of the pending liberation of sexuality and female sensuality, the enjoyment of breastfeeding as a relationship of deep, true, physical and emotional love, something that has been almost forgotten and that must be recovered. I loved it and I remembered how wonderful it is to breastfeed.

Finally I bring you Isabelinha's blog, Happy children, good children it alerts us to purchases of useless things that many new parents fall into, advising us to use our heads before buying and buying only what we are going to use.

We will continue walking through the moms and dads blogs, and, if you want us to consider you, leave a comment so we can visit you.