When children get out of bed to infinity and beyond

Sooner or later in the life of every child comes the moment in which he decides that will get out of bed as many times as necessary until tending to infinity. It seems that, at the same time, I reach the determination to despair of parents with that behavior.

If you had not considered that the child would sleep in a crib with bars, that idea may call you hard during this stage. It also occurs to you to call the Guinness book because surely, sure, that your son is the one who gets out of bed the most times.

One tip to make the exhaustion process more bearable (I don't know if it occurs before in the child or in the parents) is to write down the “excuses” that the child puts for his new visit to the classroom. That if I am thirsty, that if I hear noises, that if the closet moves, that if you can find the doll, that if you think you have not yet dined, that why the stars only look at night, that the pajamas have shrunk, if he has pee (again) ...

You can also entertain yourself in timing the time it takes to get back up, or stay stalking by the door of the room to get ahead of its movements, surprising it. But let's not think that will persuade him of his efforts.

They say that many naps went down in history in many homes because the boy had become champion of this modality. Y nobody sleeps at home after eating.

And if you are one of those strangers Fathers or mothers who can say that their son has never risen from bed, do not sing victory. Your child's personal challenge may come with any unexpected occasion: a vacation, the beginning of the school year, a bed change, the cosmic crossing of the planet Venus with its moon shadows ...

I think that basically what they want is spend more time with us, they adore us in such a way ... And although we may feel the idea of ​​their hugs and requirements at any time, maybe at the end of some days we are so exhausted that we prefer the persistent demonstrations of affections when the sun rises.

But let's not try to find too much explanation for this phenomenon worthy of study. The fact is that a kind of awkward spring makes the little ones need to get up again and again, whatever time we put them to bed. Sometimes, even if you go to bed with them, they get up and go to look for, I don't know what to the room.

Patience, because in the end, the dream expires, even if sometimes it is us before them. And to hope that exercise getting out of bed again and again give us truce some night of these ...

Video: New MightyDuck Vines Compilation 2017. Best Mighty Duck Pranks (July 2024).