I Family Fair of the Community of Madrid

We continue to propose activities for the weekend, in this case with the I Family Fair of the Community of Madrid, organized by the Family and Future Association and the Alcorcón City Council and which has started today.

The event, which will last until Sunday, June 17, aims to strengthen education, values ​​and knowledge among the family. They do it through free workshops and activities that are divided into different areas: education, health and nutrition, active civil society, consumption and economy and leisure, culture and sport.

In this Fair, different associations, companies, foundations and public administrations participate and with which they intend to create a meeting and coexistence space between citizens and different associations to support communication between families.

In addition, during the Fair they will take place talks and debates for all family members: children, parents, grandparents, teenagers, couples ...

The fairgrounds have outdoor and covered spaces where attendees can participate in a wide range of activities: dog shows, horse workshops, road safety workshops, prevention of domestic accidents, fire, first aid workshops, children's careers, family yincanas, musical performances ...

The I Family Fair in the Community of Madrid It is held in the Buero Vallejo Theater Park in Alcorcón and children who attend the event can enjoy the musical performances of Cantajuegos, tomorrow Saturday at 5pm and 7pm.

Official Site | Family Fair In Babies and more | Marathon of the mystery: story weekend in Guadalajara, Chaos Baby Disco, the disco for the whole family, Art workshop for children: "The color of emotions"

Video: Indian embassy in Madrid Sikh community in Spain (July 2024).