Do you dare to make interactive interface designs with children?

One of the shortcomings that many of the applications that are developed to be used in any device have is the difficulty to be handled. And it is difficult to know from what is the application for, where to look on the screen, how the user relates With the application. To reduce this lack, I have seen spectacular functionality in 4ºD because basically what it does is that with a marker and a specific application allows, from a prototype, to design how it will look and review the functionality that the application will have.

It occurred to me that maybe for children to imagine in class designs With high doses of creativity and as long as they are well directed, one could work on obtaining utilities created and tested by children. And our children do not know what they are going to do in the future, although I do believe that they will work on things that have to do with user service, such as the design of interfaces that are easy to use.

The controls that are managed are so simple that they can be used by a child: a switch (on / off), a button that makes something work while you press it (a key on a computer keyboard) and a slider (such as which are used to increase and decrease the volume). With these ingredients you can make a good design for children to practice.

And if you do not have the technology available, I also think it is a great exercise to propose that children work with interfaces and interactivities. If any parent or teacher dares to use it or is already testing it with their children or students, let us know. We will be happy to hear your experience.

Video: Lets Make Crazy Beautiful UI With . Xamarin Developer Summit (July 2024).