The protective efficacy of breastfeeding can reduce the risk of being celiac by up to 60%

According to different studies, prolonging breast milk during the start of a gluten-free diet reduces the risk of developing celiac disease. This is stated by Dr. Luis Peña, president of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.

Apparently, and according to the latest data from the registry of new cases of celiac disease (REPAC), which is coordinated by Dr. Enriqueta Román, the protective efficacy of breastfeeding can reduce the risk of being celiac by up to 60% .

For this efficacy to manifest, gluten must be introduced while the baby continues to feed with breast milk. Dr. Luis Peña has stated that “breast milk contains a large number of components that help and protect the child through a series of complex biological mechanisms, including the creation of infection defenses and the development of tolerance against food antigens. ”

Celiac children have a genetic predisposition to the disease, so having celiac relatives is an important added risk factor. "This pathology can debut throughout the life of a person".

However, "the average age of diagnosis is 3.7 years, with 42% of diagnoses in children between 2 and 6 years old."

As for the usual symptoms of celiac disease, 70% of cases have classic forms (with chronic diarrhea, weight loss and abdominal distension), although the most common symptom in children under 6 years is abdominal distension and , in the elderly, decreased appetite and iron deficiency

Experts agree that Early diagnosis and treatment can avoid long-term problems such as osteoporosis and osteopenia and, in addition, can contribute to reduce the risk of developing other autoimmune diseases associated with this pathology.

In this sense, Dr. Peña insists that the best guarantee of a timely and effective diagnosis is to guarantee specialized assistance. "It is essential that children are cared for by the pediatric specialist, the only connoisseur of the diagnostic criteria necessary to offer a correct management of the disease," says Dr. Peña who insists on the importance of official recognition of specialties to preserve that care quality.

The fact that they are pediatric specialists who treat celiac patients has made more and more cases are diagnosed, even multiplying by ten the number of cases compared to the 90s and placing Spain among the European countries with the highest incidence in children (one in 80 Spanish children suffers from celiac disease).

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