First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity

The First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity on June 9 and 10 at the Gandía Campus of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

He I National Congress of Multitasking Maternity It is presented with this mission and commitment, to make visible the complexity of Motherhood in the society of the 21st century and to provide mothers with the tools to empower their own lives and their destinies, making, in addition, more aware of the institutions of the needs of mothers and families.

The motto of this I National Congress of Multitasking Maternity It is “For the Conciliation: between desires, rights and duties” and in this sense the objective is to show the complex nature of the reconciliation needs, which cannot be understood simply by offering mothers tools to leave their children in the care of others , but from a perspective that includes the authentic interrelated nature of royal motherhood.

In the program there will be presentations by experts and round tables dealing with issues such as parenting, childbirth and breastfeeding, motherhood in adversity, educational innovation, conciliation and entrepreneurship. Registration is now open and includes activities for children during the two days of the Congress.

The final program is not yet published but, as a member of the Organizing Committee of this First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity, in which you have invited me to participate, I can tell you that it will be extraordinary. I'll tell you more things.

Official site | First National Congress of Multitasking Maternity

Video: Health Care Stakeholder Discussion: Women (July 2024).