Animals United: the movie based on "the animal conference"

We have seen at home Animals United, it is a German children's animation film of the year 2010 that premiered in Spain in September 2011. It is based on one of the children's novels by Erich Kästner (writer who died in 1974), called "The conference of animals ". I was really surprised by the clarity with which it conveys the central message: the human being has responsibility in the progressive destruction of the environment (and by extension in the damage caused to other animal species, since it is something that in the production aimed at children It is not usually observed so directly.

I also liked the characterization of animals, although their adventures go through the fact that they are attributed "humanized" traits and actions. A small and varied selection of different species that are threatened for different reasons, end up traveling in a bathtub towards what they believe "a paradise free of man, and arrive in Africa where rhinos, meerkats, giraffes and others suffer a drought caused by the construction of a huge hotel complex in the area Animals that come together to recover welfare and greedy humans, the presentation of these two extremes helps us to locate ourselves and get some information about the consequences of our acts. There is also a little girl (daughter of the director of the business project) who offers adults her own vision that is neither more nor less: "to achieve certain luxuries we are depriving others of satisfying basic needs."

This comedy is directed by Reinhard Klooss and Holger Tappe, lasts 93 minutes and the script was provided by Oliver Huzly, Rainhard Klooss, Klaus Richter and Sven Sverin. David Newman composed music for Ice Age and Scooby Doo, and their melodies are also present here.

Perhaps if we are accustomed to American cinema, the film knows us little, and on the other hand it is true that the occurrences of some protagonists remind us a lot of other films known to all (for example Madagascar) but the production is very dignified. It is also true that it is better that we accustom children to watch movies of different themes and backgrounds so that they get used to having a certain critical sense and appreciate other aspects besides visual effects.

The overcoming differences (in order to achieve a common goal) is key to the success of animals, this is an important lesson to show children, and the other is the need to care for and protect our environment. Nature knows very well how to function with balance, but needs to be given a chance.

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Video: Animals United - Trailer (July 2024).