Babies highlights and more: from March 26 to April 1

One more week we bring you the Featured content Babies and more that we have published throughout this last week of March.

We have presented our new special for next April, which will be dedicated to the decoration of the baby's room, thanks to the special participation Raquel de Decosfera, who will give us tips to decorate the baby's room in times of crisis.

We continue with our maternity and paternity course, giving you some advice that you can apply when you feel overwhelmed or empathy with children, something that will make our family as a harmonious and respectful emotional space.

We have also wondered if the way of giving birth is inherited since surely more than one will have wondered if they will have the same type of birth their mothers have had. We have also seen the benefits that taichi can have with the baby, in addition to talking about the heel test in newborns, which is effective in detecting congenital metabolic endocrine diseases that are rare.

We have visited the nursing home in Valencia, an institution founded in 1878 that was initially used as a nursery for the children of the Tabacalera workers who were with her. And speaking of breastfeeding, we present an interesting colloquium on breastfeeding, where different professionals such as Lucía Alcaraz, Charo Quintana and Luis Ruiz participate.

No one doubts the benefits of napping in children: it makes them be calmer, less irritable, more sociable, more attentive and helps you similarly better learned during the day, in addition to helping reduce hyperactivity, anxiety and Depression in children. And by the time they are awake, we can help and recommend them to play with the puzzles, as they enhance spatial and mathematical skills.

On the other hand, we have approached you to an investigation carried out by Joe Vinson where we sought to answer the following question: are popcorn healthy? The result is quite surprising, since we are not few who enjoy this snack, especially when we watch a movie in the cinema or on television. In addition, we have also offered you a series of tips for healthy infant feeding.

Our partner Mireia has told us about the 10 things she would buy if she were to have a baby. Are they the same things you would buy? In case you plan to buy something other than what is on that list, we have also talked about some beautiful scarves for babies of H&M.

On March 31, Earth Hour was held, and one of the characters most loved by the little ones had to face a very special challenge. In addition, we talked about the mother of octillizos who posed for a magazine after losing 63 kilos, along with other female names of Old Testament characters (VI).

Remember that you can still tell us what plans you have for Easter holidays with the children in our Babies section and more Answers.

And we could not finish this weekly summary without congratulating Armando and his family, since little Guim is already with them. !! Congratulations!! We wait with special interest to tell us about this new experience in your life.

And remember that after the Easter holidays we will bring you a summary of Babies highlights and more. Happy week and happy holidays!

Video: Goombario Can't Swim. Tom's Stream Highlights March 24, 2019 - April 6, 2019 (July 2024).