The economic crisis, the general strike and the future of children

Today is the day on which a General Strike has been called in protest of the Labor Reform that the Government of our country intends to carry out. The people and organizations that have joined are worried about the little guarantee of the future that it offers to children and young people, you know: impossibility of contributing enough, training contracts that offer a probable of less than the SMI until after 30 years, temporary contracts with free dismissal, ...

I do not know what will be the follow-up of the strike, but as far as teachers are concerned, in general, the public schools in my province will only provide the minimum services. Some people think that the right to educate children is attacked, although I believe that one day is not decisive in the course of a school year, it is also true that children have the right to be educated, but we all know that the public is suffering cuts, and this is a disregard for its formation. The fathers and mothers who today join the claims have decided that you are not going to resign yourself to your children being part of a generation that has to live worse than us, and that their expectations of progress are small. And we go through an unusual situation from the point of view of employment. Others may keep you in intermediate positions because regardless of whether or not they are critical of the Labor Reform, you may think that the strike is not the way, and you can even question the role of the unions.

It is true that yesterday many were baffled because they were not going to follow the strike, and they also did not want to leave the children in school knowing that the minimum established by the legislation are: the principal and a teacher for every six units, more than one will have had You juggle to organize. I am not sure that a punctual action has the expected repercussions, but I believe that much more is at stake than the jobs of which we are parents today.

We are building a economic and social model that offers an uncertain and unflattering future (without having other types of repercussions that I will not enter now), with youth unemployment around 50%. What from some areas is accepted as "normal": labor flexibility, need to be continuously adapting, etc. it does not offer stability to those who are young today and tomorrow they must support the country

Many of us feel that little attention is paid to families, you know: a work and family reconciliation that leaves much to be desired, cuts in Social Action programs to public employees, restriction of educational aid, etc. Now we also have to worry about how instability will affect the little ones. We have already heard many times that the crisis has not been generated by those who go to our workplace every day, and if we take into account that we are educating the citizens of the future, I believe that we can feel that we should be more aware of

Now it's easy, when we have small children, we take care of protecting them, but doing so is knowing how to look at the future and think that in a few years they will have to make their way into a working world. It is very good that they have studies and adaptability, but that does not exclude the need we all have to feel safe in a job.

Each one has consciously taken a position: it is a day to strike or not to do it, to complain about our conditions or to criticize that teachers are not going to teach, to see the future with a certain perspective or to accept what we have. But it is also a day to think about what model of society we want, and what guarantees are being offered to achieve it.

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