How and when the baby teeth fall and the final ones come out

The fall of the first baby teeth usually occurs after the age of five of the child. But, How and when does this fall of the baby teeth and subsequent exit of the final dentition? We speak, of course, of the natural process of falling milk teeth, and not of accidents that cause the early fall of the tooth.

When children have completed their milk teeth until the first of the teeth falls, a period of time (about three years) elapses during which the mouth does not undergo any external changes, as far as the teeth are concerned.

However, the arches (the dental arches, which are the group of teeth in the jaw or in the maxilla, upper and lower) will increase in size and inside the gums yes, important and continuous changes are taking place.

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What happens to make milk teeth fall out?

When the date of the first visit of the Little Mouse Perez approaches, we observe an increasing mobility of the lower central incisors, until the first fall of a milk tooth occurs. The teeth begin to fall leaving a gap where the new tooth appears. But the first thing that has happened is that the permanent tooth that is under the gum begins to press the milk tooth, starting to loosen it.

When definitive teeth arise, they do wearing the roots of milk teeth They will start to move and fall. But sometimes, the final tooth erupts next to the milk tooth and not under it, so it will not wear its root and both will appear in the mouth, forming a double row of teeth. This is more frequent in the incisors. If we observe it, we must inform the dentist. In these cases, usually when the milk tooth falls the definitive will move occupying the empty place.

Another factor to keep in mind is that the permanent teeth that come out are larger than those of milk, so the separation they had from each other disappears when they fall. New teeth are not always well placed, because being larger than those they replace, they do not have enough space to position themselves correctly and go "where they can." Therefore, in the course of changing teeth, teeth may be crooked, although when it is usually completed they line up a little by themselves.

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In what order do the final teeth come out?

The lower incisors are born in the inner part of the gum, behind the milk teeth pushing them out. In the mouths of children you can see the piquitos of the new incisors behind the milk incisors that have not yet fallen.

In the case of the upper teeth, they will be born in front of the gum by pushing the milk inwards before they fall. The "shovels" come out around six or seven years.

Also almost as the first teeth fall out an important piece, known as "tooth of the six years", the first definitive molar that will emerge behind the last milk wheels. These do not replace any but occupy the free space behind the second molars that have not yet fallen and live with them for some years. Those below appear first and then those above.

Mixed dentition: milk and definitive teeth

We are in stages of mixed dentition, period in which we find in the mouth temporary teeth and definitive teeth at the same time.

  • Mixed teething first phase It occurs when the mouth has, by age eight, a mixture of permanent teeth (four upper and four lower incisors, next to the first molars) and temporary teeth (canines next to the first and second molars of milk).

  • Mixed teething second stage It happens around eleven years, when the lower definitive canines appear, the first upper premolars (replacing the first temporary molars), the lower ones, upper and lower second premolars (replace the second milk molars).

It won't be until twelve or thirteen years when the last baby teeth will fall, the superior canines.

And there will be more changes, with the older children and the second permanent molar, and a few years later with the wisdom tooth, which does not always appear.

During these processes of falling of the teeth of milk it is necessary to continue cleaning the teeth carefully in anticipation of a new denture also healthy, strong and much more durable than the previous one. Because the new teeth no longer change and you also have to take care of them.

Photos | iStockphoto and Pixabay
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Video: The process of growing baby teeth to adult teeth: Encino Dentist Office (July 2024).