World Autism Day: make a gesture for people with autism and show your commitment

Today we celebrate World Autism Awareness Day, a date set by the United Nations General Assembly to highlight the need for help improve the quality of life of people with autism, and contribute to its integration into society.

And precisely that is sought with this year's campaign and the motto "I ∞ autism. A new dynamic for autism." Because we can all demonstrate our commitment to autism, promoting positive changes that foster an inclusive society.

How can we commit to autism?

As citizens of society, we can all break down barriers to autism together, raising awareness and contributing with our gestures to the inclusion of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Because it is in everyone's hands (each one from our small plot of action) to avoid the obstacles that people with autism face daily:

  • Being comprehensive and sensitive to this reality, and avoiding situations that can become very annoying for people with autism.

  • Being respectful, tolerant and treating everyone equally.

  • Shaking hands with people with autism and and helping them in their social integration.

  • Eliminating labels and prejudices, and informing us correctly about this type of disorder. Only in this way can we understand their reality and help with whatever is in our hands.

  • But the most important thing is educate our children in respect and tolerance, giving them a good example with our actions, and inviting them to approach their partner with ASD, to know more about his life and to find a great friend in him.

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What can be done from the political sphere by people with ASD?

But it is also essential that political repressors become aware of the ASD and meet the main demands of the group, including them in their electoral programs and promoting policies focused on respecting the rights of people with autism.

Therefore, this year's campaign also includes a series of political proposals to be taken into account for the upcoming elections. Among them, the importance of developing strategies that guarantee the early detection of ASD at all stages of life and in different contexts (educational, social and health) is highlighted.

In addition, they focus on access to early care from birth to six years of age, as well as the need for supports up to 12 years through interdisciplinary care.

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Another major concern of families of children with ASD is know if they can live independently in the future. Therefore, they demand from politicians a series of measures that allow the professional development of people with ASD, favor access to employment and independent living, as well as specific support for people with ASD in the process of aging.

Some of the claims of people with ASD and their families

And to better understand the demands of this group, this year's campaign includes proposals from people with ASD and their families. We share some with the aim of rethinking about them and doing what is in our hands to help.

Because small gestures can make a big change!

Make a gesture for autism and join the campaign!

In short, each of us can contribute much to favor the integration of people with ASD, and help improve their quality of life.

Therefore, they propose join your campaign reproducing the infinity symbol with our hands and explaining what we would do to achieve a more inclusive society for people with autism.

Show your commitment ... today, and always! Do you join the campaign?

Video: CDC Grand Rounds: Autism Spectrum Disorder (July 2024).