Entertaining dictionaries for images

Today I talk about some books that children will love from four years old, about entertaining dictionaries for images that address different issues in a very educational way. With my oldest daughter we have been seeing the "Dictionary by images of the trades" and that of Christmas, and she is still very interested in knowing more about them.

They are extensive books (more than 100 pages), profusely illustrated in full color and with brief explanatory texts of each drawing. Obviously, it is for us to read them, but they look closely at the drawings and each page arouses their curiosity, they will ask us many questions.

The best thing is that they are "reference books" (I don't think anyone is going to read the entire "flip" book, mostly because a lot of time is spent on each page), in which we can move forward and backward, looking for sections that most interest children.

The illustrations usually present panoramic scenes that are later detailed with more precise drawings to provide more information about each trade, or Christmas characters, traditions ...

In addition to the two topics discussed, there are other books in the same collection, edited by Fleurus-Panini, like the "Dictionary of images of the human body", of space, of the farm, of inventions, of the sea, of nature, of animals, of witches and fairies, of dinosaurs ...

For the little ones, there is "My first dictionary of images", and there is even one from the Bible. As you see, there are dictionaries for images of many subjects, for every taste. I have not found them on the publisher's website, but they can be purchased online at various stores. I have already requested some more from our library ...

Video: 18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch Your Brain (June 2024).