Published the Guide of games and quality toys 2011-2012

Looking ahead to the next Christmas holidays, who will not review the toy catalogs or the toy section of the hypermarket. But it's not always easy to get the best toys for every age. The Toy Technology Institute (AIJU) offers consumers useful and detailed information of 174 toys selected in the new Games and toys guide 2011-2012.

This guide analyzes the playful value, the learning potential and the attractiveness of toys for children, among other psycho-pedagogical aspects. And, although as they themselves point out, they have not examined all the toys available in the market, they have only included in the guide those that have passed all the tests.

This is the only publication of this type in Spain that select toys by age intervals, based on quality parameters. The current edition is the twenty-first (here we leave the previous guide), and has been made by the pedagogical department of the AIJU.

The Guide has been prepared with the collaboration of more than a thousand children, thirteen toy libraries and ten nursery schools throughout Spain. In addition, 79 experts in gaming and education and a hundred families have made direct observations of the use of each toy for at least one hundred hours in a free play environment. For the final evaluation of toys, there has been a multidisciplinary team of experts.

The new edition of the publication includes, among others, two novel sections: the role of the game in the aging process and a specific section that encompasses the twenty most common questions that manufacturers and consumers raise about the game and the toy. There are also tips for choosing toys for children with different disabilities.

The age ranges covered are from 0 to 12 months, from one to three years, from three to six years, from six to nine years and finally for those over nine years.

Sure to take a look at The Quality Games and Toys Guide 2011-2012 It gives you ideas for your kids, and here we also leave you with a selection of online toy catalogs and safety recommendations that we must always keep in mind when choosing a toy.

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