Summary of the week from October 5 to 11 in Peques y Mas

Today is a holiday in Spain and surely many of you are enjoying your free time with children, we must take advantage of every minute of leisure to be with them, look them in the eye, observe their games and smile together. Last days we talked about health, leisure, television, education, etc.

You already know that we address all those who have children between five and 12 toChildren, and especially those who think that parenthood should be aware and committed to children. Do you want to meet us? We will start with him Game to which in Peques and Más we give special importance, we know that it provides us with countless benefits, especially to children, and we are very clear that it is the best form of fun that exists, not in vain it is present in a timeless way in most cultures , although some have complicated relationships with the fact of "playing". We have interviewed Imma Martín, who is a member of the Children's Game Observatory in Spain, and a member of the International Play Association, she has explained to us that the game is a human being's ability, and also that it contributes to children's health. Do you dare to read them?

And talking of Game, of games… Marcos told us about the use of electronic chess. We know that the sport It is also very healthy for the growth of children, that is why we have echoed the celebration of the Children's and Juvenile Climbing Championship of Difficulty in Madrid. How Halloween is coming A few days ago we found some ideas to disguise the girls of the Monsters High.

What to do in free time?, it is not always necessary to make plans because sometimes the naturalness and spontaneity with which the moments of being together run are enough to enjoy. But just in case, in Peques and Más we periodically bring you some ideas, such as this Medieval Train from Sigüenza. And the goodies are also associated with leisure, or at least it is what I believe, provided that their consumption is moderate and they do not replace the intake of nutrients should not be a problem, and if they are also free of allergens, artificial additives and Trans fats, you can Fancy eating them, we have presented the Ooumubomo stores.

On a holiday you can also talk about Education, especially if we do not link it exclusively to the school, in any case reflecting on models and educational practices is very necessary, and it is just what has been done in the Global Education Forum that our partner Marcos attended as a guest blogger . We liked the educational project to publicize the Canarian children the sperm whales that inhabit those islands, so we brought it to our pages.

Do not miss the Health Tips, so we have raised the need to check the sight and hearing of our children, offered guidelines in case of intoxication, and we have met (again) with the flu.

The families today We have all the technology at our disposal and the opinions of specialists invade us, is this the best? Without a doubt, what we do know is that grandparents provide our children with beautiful memories, experience and serenity. And moms are authentic experts in dealing with a multitude of tasks, in Educarpetas they know it and that is why they invite us to participate in their Community, to share, learn and answer questions.

If we talk about television, we have become nostalgic with the celebration on TVE of the 30 years of the Summer Blue series, and we have shared Caillou's return to the screens. And we learned that LEGO combines its pieces with applications for the ipod / iphoe touch with "Life of George".

The mass for children in the Guadalupe de Madrid parish and the children's furniture store "El osito azul" are some of the other themes we brought to Peques and Más these days.

Video: Rock Church - Part 1, The Lost Attachment (July 2024).