The extension of the paternity leave to eight weeks could be paralyzed

There are many parents pending the entry into force of the extension of the paternity leave from the current five weeks to eight that the government established by decree, in addition to the progressive weeks until reaching 16 in 2021.

But the measure could be paralyzed tomorrow if so decided by the Bureau of Congress, after Citizens have raised doubts about the constitutionality of the norm.

Less than a week ago we announced the entry into force of the extension from April 1, as established by Royal Decree-Law 6/2019.

In Babies and more The extension of the eight-week paternity leave is delayed and will take effect on April 1

But the decree could decay due to unconstitutionality. The Orange Party, with the support of the PP, has asked for a legal report to the lawyers of the Congress to know if Sanchez can modify the organic law of equality by means of a decree law, and when the chambers are dissolved.

The Bureau of Congress will decide tomorrow, with the report in hand, whether or not they accept the royal decree. If so, it would take effect on April 1 as planned, but if it is not validated, the extension of the permit may not enter into force.

In full electoral campaign, the political parties move tokens at convenience, but the most affected could end up being the families. We will keep you informed.

In Babies and more Approved the eight-week paternity leave in 2019 and its progressive extension until 16 weeks in 2021

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