Decalogue of rights of premature babies

We told you a few days ago, this week is celebrated Premature Week 2011, which aims to sensitize society about premature babies and their needs.

With this objective, and within the framework of different publications and activities in Argentina and other countries, it has been prepared the decalogue of the rights of premature babies, whose information is oriented towards communication, understanding and mastery of the environment about some of the main rights of children and adolescents who were born prematurely.

These are the rights that premature babies have and should facilitate hospital environments and in general the whole society:

  • Prematurity can be prevented in many cases, through the control of pregnancy to which all women are entitled.

  • Premature newborns have the right to be born and to be cared for in appropriate places.

  • The premature newborn is entitled to receive adequate attention to their needs, considering their weeks of gestation, their birth weight and their individual characteristics. Every step in your treatment should be taken with a vision of the future.

  • Newborns of preterm birth have the right to receive high quality nursing care, aimed at protecting their development and focusing on the family.

  • Babies born from preterm birth have the right to be fed breast milk. Human milk is the best food for babies, including premature babies. If a child is born premature, it is best for the mother to stay with him and feed him with his milk.

  • Every premature person has the right to prevent blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). A premature child needs ophthalmological controls from the first weeks of life.

  • A child who was a high-risk premature newborn should access special follow-up programs when he leaves the hospital.

  • The family of a premature newborn has full right to information and participation in making decisions about your health throughout your neonatal and pediatric care.

  • The premature newborn has the right to be accompanied by his family all the time. It is very important for a premature baby to feel the caresses, voice and smell of his parents. For that, you must be with them as long as possible.

  • People born from preterm birth have the same right to social integration as those born at term.

This year the focus of the campaign is Law 9 of this Decalogue of rights of premature babies, which highlights the right of prematurity to be accompanied by his family all the time. Soon we will return to this point to deepen it and continue to dedicate a prominent place to this Premature Week 2011.

Video: The Benefits of Saunas & An Amniotic Birth. SYSK Internet Roundup (July 2024).