Dads and moms blogs (LXXXIV)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

This week we start with White Log, where Blanca shows us a writing that she did in favor of teaching where she puts the points on the items in a positive way, explaining in a light and entertaining way how she would like the teaching to be in our country, especially now that it goes through such Bad times.

In Minerva and her worldCarol tells us that this week has been her first year, our first year, a pun that explains how her girl is now that she is one year old, remembers how she was the day she was born and what her feelings as a mother are, turning one year (our first year) as a mom. The entrance is a review of all this, pleasant to read and written with love.

In A happy mom, this mother explains to us that she had always been in favor of the colecho but that due to lack of space and fear of receiving unexpected blows they had not practiced it. So they looked for solutions to enlarge the sleeping space, even with few possibilities for the size of the room, and they got it with a borrowed cot. He tells us how to enlarge the bed to sleep with children.

In Sarai Llamas's blog We have been able to read several very revealing and funny entries related to sex when you are already a father or mother, or how difficult it is to find the moment, being one of the ones that I liked the most that I link here: No Problem ... or almost. If you can read the rest of the ones he has written do it, they are highly recommended.

In My little koala Maria tells us how it was the other afternoon, when Dad had to work and she and her daughter were alone, in what was an afternoon of girls, visiting the pool of the yaya. Very funny your girl getting like "the good girls".

In Me and my mini-yos, the blog of a Spanish mother who lives in Belgium, we have been able to read how this mother felt a few days ago when she stayed alone at home with her children. Something that had not happened to him too much, that he knew how to face, but missing that support that brings balance called dad (which is more or less what parents would feel if we were alone with our children, of course).

In This is for one who wants it that way., this mother explains to us in an entry of those in which you explain that it seems that everything turns against you, that Garlic and Water, for several reasons among which stand out having seen with some magnets in the fridge (he hates them) and realizing that your child is feral.

In Mother's blogEva tells us about the ugly syndrome that attacks Mother, recounting in great detail and with her particular sense of humor how the so-called premenstrual syndrome lives. So well written that you end up having a bad time with her ...

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Marshmello - Blocks Official Music Video (July 2024).