Schooling newborns

Look that I have heard many barbarities in the mouths of politicians, both in the media and directly, of all colors. But if I had to give a prize to the lack of sensitivity and respect towards children I would give it to the Minister of Labor who yesterday made these statements in which he proposed the schooling of newborns.

"If I had to choose a single measure above all others to stimulate equality and, at the same time, the efficiency of an economy, capacity, production and wealth in the medium and long term, that would be that all children they could be in school immediately after their birth. "

I have to confess that I have felt a chill and at the same time relief, because I do not think that, no matter how ideological any government is, we can see this. Although I fear that history has left us examples in which the rulers have appropriated the lives of people to channel them according to their models, models that, repeatedly, have turned out to be outrageous and autocratic.

I've actually glimpsed a world out of an Orwell nightmare, with our children separated from mothers as soon as they were born to be institutionalized, so that we produce more.

I hope, anyway, that in In reality, whatever is achieved is that all children have free childcare places, elective Of course, I still consider it an insufficient way to reconcile anyone.

Babies need to be with their mothers, with his family, and an effective conciliation, designed to guarantee the rights of minors to have the best, would be the one that would tend to facilitate that, that babies would be raised with their families without necessarily having to go to daycare centers, offering them all kinds of help to be able to work and be parents without having to separate from the little ones.

Rather the ideal, in my opinion, is that whoever wanted to be able to raise their children at home, receiving help, the same ones that are used to pay for institutions that keep children. Because raising is a job, the most important in the world, the one that supports future generations. And I don't conceive of an equality that denies the importance of parenting as the basis of society.

But this, separate newborns from their mother's breast at birth to get a better "reconciliation" is frightening. What does this man think is human life, equality or rights?

I cannot consider it necessary to deprive babies of the heat of their homes as soon as they are born so that production increases and women tear in their emotions to work as soon as they give birth like men. I believe that the priority in a healthy society is that the rights, needs, feelings and natural nutrition of children are protected. A system that understands how to reconcile not how to spend more time with your family but how to be able to separate yourself from your children for many hours to be working goes astray, a path to dehumanization.

I trust this from the schooling of newborns it is never possible and that the opposite is achieved, so that fathers and mothers can work without having to separate from their babies or institutionalize them, expanding the casualties, teleworking, half-days with decent salaries, children's homes, mothers day and making it easier for mothers to work with their children nearby to see them throughout their workday.

That is, to reconcile it is to humanize the lives of families, bringing them closer, not delivering newborn babies to institutionsWell, we know that it is not the best for them. Or do children not matter anymore?

Video: Infant & Toddler Program in Northern NJ - Apple Montessori Schools (July 2024).