Leave a nurse for breastfeeding risk

A judge has given the reason to a nurse who had requested leave due to health risks of her son during breastfeeding, although she had been denied by the INSS and the Specialized Care Management of the province of the Hospital de León, where she works. This is great news for this mother and also for all those who want to defend their legal rights to enjoy a low if their work puts breastfeeding at risk.

The mother claimed that in her workplace she was in daily contact with chemical and biological products, because she had to handle organic fluids. In addition, mandatory work shifts interfered with breastfeeding and the rhythms of your baby.

Both circumstances have been decisive for the judge to consider that this job put her at risk and could harm the baby during breastfeeding, for which he has been granted a leave during the legally contemplated time, that is, until the nine months of his daughter, condemning the INSS to recognize his right and pay him the corresponding economic benefit.

I find it regrettable that it is precisely the bodies that must protect health who have denied this mother the right to have a safe breastfeeding for her and her child, ignoring that the right to health is above the needs of labor organization of a hospital. This attitude really says a lot about the real position taken by health authorities regarding the importance of breastfeeding.

When this news is produced I love telling it to our readers. Nursing mothers have a number of rights recognized by law, but sometimes they find it very difficult to exercise them, especially when they consider their job as a risk to breastfeeding.

And when a judge gives them the reason, as in this case in which a nurse from the Hospital de León has been given the reason for breastfeeding risk, I think you have to applaud her for being brave and the judge for consistent, and understand that other mothers will be able to benefit from the sentence, hoping, of course, that next time the right of the nursing mother will be recognized without having to go to a trial to be respected.

Video: A Howard County Mom's Perspective on Breastfeeding (July 2024).