How to help women in childbirth with epidural

A woman who decides to use epidural anesthesia For her birth she remains the protagonist at this crucial moment and has much to do.

Her companions and the staff that assists her, too. Let's see how to help women in childbirth with epidural, how to make the time of delivery, which can be extended for hours, more bearable and enjoyable.

  • Support her emotionally. Whether the woman had planned to be given epidural or if it has arisen during childbirth, she needs the support of the people around her in the same way that women who stop without anesthesia need it. You might think that in the absence of pain (which is not always true) the woman is calm, but nothing is further from reality. There may be anxiety, nerves, physical discomfort ... and you need all possible support.

  • Keep it moving. A woman with epidural anesthesia has varying degrees of mobility, depending on the amount administered. Although it is usual that you can not walk, it can help you to be as incorporated as possible, to perform pelvic rocking, or to change position, with help, to lean on your sides ... This encourages dilation and pelvic descent, much more than if you are lying completely and motionless. Many times we have the feeling that we are able to move as if nothing even with epidural anesthesia, but as soon as we try we realize that it is not possible. Obviously, in this labor shortening work women who can stand and walk have a lot of advantage, also because they are not usually so controlled with monitoring or attached to the drippers.

  • Control and share your emotions. Sometimes with an epidural it is easy to forget that you are in labor. I have heard the case of women who fell asleep during dilation. Although this does not have to be negative, it is advisable to check the contractions from time to time, notice them with the hand on the belly, ask the woman what she feels or how we can be useful. In short, remember that the birth process is on its way and soon its final phase will arrive and the birth of the baby.

  • Keep her comfortable. The epidural does not always have 100% coverage, and there are many testimonies, putting the extreme case, of epidurals that did not take effect. But without reaching it, usually the woman with epidural does feel pain to a greater or lesser degree. Therefore you have to make sure you attend to your physical needs to keep it comfortable. We can encourage her to talk about the sensations she is experiencing and to express what she would like to have or do to feel better. Implementing some relaxation technique can help.

  • Help in the bids. The phase of expulsion obviously remains the woman the protagonist of childbirth, but an aid always comes in handy. The mother may continue to feel the contractions and the reflex reflex, but if these sensations are attenuated, the monitors or a hand on the belly can help direct the bids. In this case, the expert hand of the professionals is very helpful.

In short, companions and medical staff can help women in childbirth with epidural in many ways. It is always important to maintain the greatest degree of comfort, confidence and well-being possible in the woman who will give birth, creating a cozy atmosphere and a respectful treatment.

Video: Epidural Anaesthesia (May 2024).